Finska bo zaprla mejne prehode. Kaj pa preostalih 1300km, kjer ni prehodov? Sem pred kratkim gledal reportažo prav s finsko-ruske meje. Ta praktično ni zavarovana, kontrolni stolpi na 100 km, vmes pa občasne patrulje. Nikjer nisem zasledil, da bodo postavili ograjo ali zid.
A misliš da so Finci tako neumni kot perje?

The eastern border barrier fence - The Finnish Border Guard - YJA
According to the plan drawn up by the Finnish Border Guard, the barrier fence should extend for approximately 200 km along Finland’s eastern border. The fence would improve border security and the management of disturbances.

Finland puts its new eastern border fence into service
"Now, we're compiling experiences about use of the fence," a Border Guard project manager said.

Finland starts fence on Russian border amid migration, security concerns
Finland is building the first stretch of a fence on its border with Russia on Friday, less than two weeks after it joined the NATO military alliance to complete a security U-turn taken in response to the war in Ukraine.