A to sodbo je pisalo sodišče v Rijadu (kraljevina Savdska barabija) ali kako ???Ponovno so vpeljali blasfemijo.
Čez boga se ne sme govorit, ker te svoboda govora, takrat ko je govora o bogu, ne ščiti. ČE recimo rečeš, da je Mohamed pedofil je to žalitev,, ne moreš se sklicevati na svobodo govora, in naložena kazen avstrijskega sodišče drži (mora plačati 480 euro + sodne stroške)
The ECHR judgment summarizes the Austrian court’s reasoning, which deserves quotation in full:
By accusing Muhammad of paedophilia, [E.S.] had merely sought to defame him, without providing evidence that his primary sexual interest in Aisha had been her not yet having reached puberty or that his other wives or concubines had been similarly young. In particular, [E.S.] had disregarded the fact that the marriage with Aisha had continued until the Prophet’s death, when she had already turned eighteen and had therefore passed the age of puberty.
Having sex with a child isn’t pedophilia, in other words, if the child’s prepubescence is not your biggest turn-on, or if you also have sex with adults, or if you continue having sex after the child reaches maturity. (Am I alone in finding the Austrian court’s reasoning offensive? Muhammad lived in late antiquity, when January-December marriages were common. The Austrian judges have no such excuse. A decade ago, Austria was laboring to shed its reputation as the “land of sex dungeons.” I don’t think “land of narrowly defined pedophilia” is much of an improvement.) On this basis, the court said E.S.’s statements were “untrue facts,” and fair game for prosecution.
Ja vsaj 9 let mora biti stara, potem lahko pališ brez da bi te kdo za karkoli lahko obtožil.nič kaj posebnega... daj rajši podobna navodila iz kakšne druge velike religije iz ust ustanovitelja te religije....good luck with that....
Vsaj tako pravi sodba esčp.
Sedaj čakam še na sodba esčp, da so 9 letniki odrasli z volilno pravico, če se že gremo stopnjevanje idiotizma.
Živela svobodna in demokratična Eurabija.
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