Uporabnik ceedevita pravi:
bodi brez skrbi, da bo na avte iz zda carina, ddv, trošarina in še kaj. lahko pa si boš uvozil morebiti felne ali pa brisalce
tako kot ne moreš kurilca iz nemčije prvlečt legalno k nam, ali pa iz italije v romunijo pelat poln kombi piva itd
Carine vsekakor ne bo več-prav v tem je point sporazuma. Pa tudi razne tehnološke birokratske ovire bodo šle. Barva žmigavcev in podobne kozlarije.
3. Motor vehicles
For cars and trucks, EU and US technical requirements differ. But on both sides they aim to ensure high standards of health, safety and environmental protection. This paper sets out our aim: to achieve compatibility without lowering standards on either side. As such it identifies two main objectives:
recognising each other's existing standards and regulations
working together more closely to draw up regulations in future, especially on new technologies.
Closer EU-US cooperation within the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) could also help to set new global regulations. Agreement in these areas could lower costs to manufacturers and ultimately to consumers.