Uporabnik Jernej pravi:
Jaz v bistvu enkrat na leto kupim 3,5'' disk za približno 100EUR. Po 18 mesecih je v povprečju (Moore) novi disk velik za vse prejšnje skupaj.
Hard disk storage cost per unit of information. A similar law (sometimes called Kryder's Law) has held for hard disk storage cost per unit of information.[24] The rate of progression in disk storage over the past decades has actually sped up more than once, corresponding to the utilization of error correcting codes, the magnetoresistive effect and the giant magnetoresistive effect. The current rate of increase in hard drive capacity is roughly similar to the rate of increase in transistor count. Recent trends show that this rate has been maintained into 2007.[21]
Uporabnik Ted pravi:
Medionov disk ima esata priključek zato je že v štartu vreden vsaj 10-20 evrov več. V Avstrijo zato ker bo pri nas v Hoferju identičen disk 100 evrov...
Uporabnik mare92 pravi:
Kdo kaj ve kaksni diski so v tem Hoferjevem 1000GB in 1500GB oz ce se splaca? LP
Uporabnik Mare2 pravi:
V tanovih Hoferjevih 1,5 je not Samsung? Kakšna pa je oznaka?