1. tole je en odgovor iz strička googla: "start->run->sfc /scannow" to see if you have a bad version of a system file.
2. drug odgovor je podoben: "In the folder C:\windows\system32\ there is a program called SFC. Open up a command prompt, and run the SFC program with the /scannow option. Be sure to have your windows disk inserted, as it will attempt to restore any corrupt files on your computer via the disk. This method solved exactly the same problem for me. Hope it works out.
Imeti moraš CD z XP-ji in bodi previden pri prvem odgovoru je človek jamral, da je potem doživel "blue screen"
3. Potem na tem naslovu: "http://in.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070409234510AAQ30pN" mislim da je kar pravi, ti imaš neko svinjarijo na računalniku, pregled AV, Adaware, spybot
4. in potem še tole, ali je kaj od tega pri tebi res??
Usually because the XP Network Wizard was run, and ICS was enabled by user error. SI POGNAL INTERNET CONN.WIZARD
• The Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) feature is enabled.
• Firewall software from Zone Labs, is installed on the computer. IMAŠ INŠTALIRAN ZONEALARM???
ZoneAlarm and ZoneAlarmPro are examples of Zone Labs firewall software.
• The ZoneLabs firewall software is not correctly configured for ICS.
Workaround: NAREDI VSE TO!!
. Disable Internet Connection Sharing on any machine where enabled;
. Uninstall Zone Alarm. Disabling not enough. Restart and test machine.
When the issue is resolved, update Zone Alarm and reinstall.
Configre exceptions for Windows Networking.
Users Helping Users
Cntcomplain (TechnicalUser) 16 Sep 06 1:49
Lord, I must be retarded. I thought when I disabled ZoneAlarm that that was no longer a problem. I didn't realize that I had it installed because I uninstalled it on the d/t and didn't see it running on my l/t.
I went to add/remove and uninstalled it on my l/t and restarted and now everything is perfect.
I appreciate everyone's help from getting my server service started(which using sfc/scannow could be very useful to someone else because I would have never found it hadn't it been for the link provided) to realizing the firewall was still a factor.
Thanks everyone,