Kako naredim downgrade na nuviju 200w


3. okt 2007
Ali mi lahko kdo pove kje bi dobil starejši software in kako se naložil na nuvi-ja 200W, ker mi trenutno zadnja dela zelo, zelo velike probleme, stalno se ugaša in zmrzuje..

Izbrisan uporabnik #488

Malo bo treba iskati po netu, jaz nimam nobene prejšnje verzije na disku.

Drugače pa samo skopiraš gupdate.gcd (ta file dobiš ko razpakiraš exe file z universal extractorjem) file v mapo Garmin na napravi in te bo po ponovnem zagonu vprašalo če res želiš upgrade stare verzije.

Izbrisan uporabnik #488

Tu maš par predelanih, ki omogoča tracklog tudi...
Pazi na to kakšen ID hardwarea imaš in snemi pravega.


še tekst:
I've created patched firmware for my nuvi 200w (HWID = 0737 - like boeing
)). v.4.00 that has following features:
- enabled hidden tracklog menu
- fast access to 'speedometer' (no need to hold on 5 or more seconds)
- this tracklog stored in RAW format from the gps chipset - no 'lock on road' as in 7xx.


Please, DO NOT USE this firmware for another HWID's!!! This really will damage your device.
As for another nuvi firmwares that can be tracklog enabled - you have to wait.

HWID that are not created yet: 0835 (nuvi 2xxW)(striked units see below), 0780 on page 28, 0660 , 0760, 0834 (nuvi 2xx), 0754 (nuvi 7x0) - Done! on page 28

How to simple find your HWID:
Attach nuvi as mass storage device, then open /Garmin/garmindevice.xml in any text viewer and find some info like this


So, partnumber is the quite matter info for webupdater and for us of cource.
