Izrael - Palestina

2. jul 2020
aja, teh si pa ne upajo sklatit

itak je šlo za demonstracijo, Izraelci so "prek kanalov" poslali obvestilo Iranu pred začetkom

Zadnjič sem v živo poslušal enega boomerja, kako je razlagal, da v bistvu Putinu odgovarja da se tam vojna vleče. Če bi hotel bi vrgel na ukrajino isto kot americani mečejo v Gazi.

To je bila najbolj butasta izjava kar sem jih slisal, preden si ti to napisal.


YUGOslovanski mehanik Dmitri Mendeleev
23. jul 2008
Bo kakšen komentar kako Iran ni upal s superiornimi ruskimi S300 in S400, sklatiti niti enega 50 let starega F15?

Več kot očitno je šlo v ru§§iji več denarja v privat žepe kot v razvoj....



6. jul 2008
najrajš na babi
Če ga ni srce stisnlo, so ga pa oboroženi civili.



6. sep 2007

Knife-wielding attacker screaming 'Allahu Akbar' and 'long live Palestine' murders Swiss tourist by slicing her throat in front of her terrified children at Algerian cafe​

A knife-wielding attacker screaming 'Allahu Akbar' has murdered a Swiss tourist by slicing her throat in front of her terrified children at an Algerian cafe.
The Swiss woman, who has not been named, died on October 11 in the holiday resort of Djanet, southern Algeria, after she was attacked while sitting on the terrace of the Scanner cafe, located in the city centre, with her children and a friend. The attacker, reportedly a young man from northern Algeria, slit the woman's throat, and she was quickly taken to hospital, where she lost a lot of blood and later died, according to Swiss broadcaster RTS.
RTS criticized authorities for their silence on the attack, noting that it was the French newspaper Libération that broke the story.

Authorities in Switzerland decry "violent death" of its citizen.
A Swiss tourist was murdered earlier this month in Algeria, according to authorities in Bern. Switzerland's Department of Foreign Affairs said in a statement to the Associated Press that it had been in contact with Algerian authorities about the "violent death" of an unnamed Swiss citizen on Oct. 11. The woman was part of a tour group of five Swiss travellers visiting the north African country earlier this month. Algeria has opened up to tourists in recent years, aiming to put a reputation for instability and terrorism in the Sahara in the past.