Kaj bo tale narisal?
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Roge še mora narisat...
Men zgleda kot da bo narisal bika.
Roge še mora narisat...
Uporabnik SouthPark pravi:
Pa nebi naj črni skrinjici bili zmožni preživet eksplozije? Saj sta zato tudi na različnih koncih letala, pod vodo pa bi tudi naj do globine 4200m oddajali dovolj močen signal, da pride do površja.
It was picked up by defence radar at 2.15 am on Saturday morning, 200 nautical miles or 360 kilometres NW of Penang as an unidentified aircraft at 29,500 feet according to the chief of the Royal Malaysia Air Force, Rodzali Daud.
This time he said “I am not saying it was MH370.” And he also gave the radar trace a new time, 2.15 am local time, not 2.40 am, which was coincidentally or otherwise the time of last contact with the airliner originally given by Malaysia Airlines before it began a process of changing times and event descriptions on a regular and confusing basis.
Uporabnik Zgaga pravi:
Kaj bo tale narisal?
Men zgleda kot da bo narisal bika.
Roge še mora narisat...