a je kdaj sploh bla vredi?neki ni vredi z njo.
a je kdaj sploh bla vredi?neki ni vredi z njo.
Saj se ve:neki ni vredi z njo.
Uff, nisem še videl. Se pardoniram za poobjavoOd kot si pa to ven potegni?
A teh pa ne znajo razgnati, tako kot znajo demonstrante?Levičarski anarhisti so zažgali daljnovod do tovarne avtomobilov Tesla pri Berlinu. Tesla bo morala za nekaj dni ustaviti proizvodnjo, škoda gre v milijone.
Okupirali so tudi sosednji gozd in postavili šotore.
Ni bila samo Tesla tovarna brez elektrike (oz. je še vedno brez).Levičarski anarhisti so zažgali daljnovod do tovarne avtomobilov Tesla pri Berlinu. Tesla bo morala za nekaj dni ustaviti proizvodnjo, škoda gre v milijone.
Okupirali so tudi sosednji gozd in postavili šotore.
Tesla and an Edeka logistics center have not yet been able to be supplied with electricity again since the arson attack. The network operator Edis spoke of massive damage to the mast and live parts.
Federal Prosecutor General Jens Rommel has taken over the investigation into the arson attack on the power supply of the Tesla factory in Grünheide, Brandenburg. A spokeswoman for the Karlsruhe Federal Prosecutor's Office confirmed this to SPIEGEL.
There is, among other things, "initial suspicion of membership in a terrorist organization, unconstitutional sabotage and communal arson" against the previously unknown perpetrators.
The public prosecutor's office in Frankfurt (Oder) had previously investigated charges of unconstitutional sabotage, disruption of public services and arson.