Kar seveda ni res. Fotovoltaična celica pokrije svojo energijsko bilanco v treh letih.
Kar seveda ni res. Fotovoltaična celica pokrije svojo energijsko bilanco v treh letih.
Kar seveda ni res. Fotovoltaična celica pokrije svojo energijsko bilanco v treh letih.
It’s getting hotter !
How it started:
Poglej priponko 60964
How it's going:
Poglej priponko 60965
Še slika za pustne novice
Poglej priponko 60966
Move Over Greta: The United Nations Makes 20-Year-Old Instagram Influencer Their Official Climate Change Advisor - The Liberty Daily
If you love the news, check out The Liberty Daily's homepage. Sophia Kianni has become the youngest official United Nations advisor at the age of 20. The self-proclaimed “Gen Z Climate Activist” was a hit at COP27, the climate change conference where hundreds of important people fly their...thelibertydaily.com
Kdaj se bodo ljubljanćani začeli limat ?...recimo tam po pločn
Kdaj se bodo ljubljanćani začeli limat ?...recimo tam po pločnikih.
Kako elegantno so ju odstranili
Protesters Glue Themselves to Concert Hall Fixture - Audience Roars at Orchestra Manager’s Brilliant Solution
A planned stunt to interrupt a Beethoven recital in Germany made two climate extremists into laughingstocks.www.westernjournal.com