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Očitno gre za LSPI (Low speed pre-Ignition fenomen)....pač klenkanje motorja v režimu relativno velike obremenitve pod malim gasom....
2 teorije zarote......krivita neprimerno olje v motorju...oziroma aditive v olju ( kalcij v funkciji detergenta)
1) da je olje pač tako da pride mimo obročkov ( neustrezna bazna pa preredko pač) in pride do predvžiga le tega v zgorevalni komori....
2) aditivi v olju (kalcij) povzroča saje v zgorevalni komori ki se sčasoma akumulirajo v zgorevalni komori in rahlo povišajo kompresijsko razmerje...kar privede do klenkanja
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Očitno gre za LSPI (Low speed pre-Ignition fenomen)....pač klenkanje motorja v režimu relativno velike obremenitve pod malim gasom....
Causes of LSPI
Low Speed Pre-Ignition (LSPI) is a premature combustion event, occurring prior to spark ignition in turbocharged, downsized gasoline vehicles. As the name implies, it occurs when engines operate at low speeds and high loads. It can result in extremely high cylinder-pressures and can lead to heavy knock. At a minimum, LSPI can generate an audible knocking noise noticeable to the driver. Repeated exposure to these conditions can cause engine hardware failure, including broken spark plugs and cracked pistons. A characteristic of LSPI is that one event often leads to subsequent events. The events will frequently occur in an alternating pattern between pre-ignition and regular combustion.
Several theories exist to explain the mechanism of LSPI. One theory is centered on an oil droplet entering the combustion chamber from a crevice between the piston and cylinder wall. In this mechanism, the oil droplet mixes with fuel and auto-ignites. A second theory focuses on deposits as the ignition source for LSPI. Evidence has been shown for both mechanisms, and they are not necessarily mutually exclusive.
Chevron Oronite is conducting extensive research in this area to help advance the understanding of LSPI, particularly on the impact of lubricant additives. From these studies, solutions are beginning to emerge to help mitigate the effects of LSPI.
2 teorije zarote......krivita neprimerno olje v motorju...oziroma aditive v olju ( kalcij v funkciji detergenta)
1) da je olje pač tako da pride mimo obročkov ( neustrezna bazna pa preredko pač) in pride do predvžiga le tega v zgorevalni komori....
2) aditivi v olju (kalcij) povzroča saje v zgorevalni komori ki se sčasoma akumulirajo v zgorevalni komori in rahlo povišajo kompresijsko razmerje...kar privede do klenkanja
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