F1 sezona 2024


20. feb 2008
Ma CBHE bo kmal zgodovina se men zdi. Letos bo se prvak pol pa pocasi ne bo vec tko na izi slo in zna vse skup pustit (najlazje). Kar je sicer cisto legalna in po moje tudi dobra poteza ampak najvecji ne bo nikol. To je samo eden, LH :nazdravje:


18. jul 2007
Problem so ti "tajni" Driving Standards Guidelines (no ja, od 1.1.2025 bodo del ISC, ki pa je javno objavljen). Ker niso javno objavljeni (le zakaj ne?) in predvsem, ker so katastrofalno zanič napisani.
Recimo za avto, ki prehiteva po zunanji strani:
  1. Have the front axle AT LEAST ALONGSIDE WITH the front axle of the other car at the apex of the corner and to the exit.
  2. Be driven in a safe and controlled manner throughout the manoeuvre (entry, apex and exit).
  3. Be able to make the corner within the track limits
V točki 1 bi moral bit "any overlap between cars
V točki 3 bi moralo pisat "Be able to make the corner while leaving enough room for the other car on the inside within track limits"

Ali pa prehitevnaje po notranji strani:
A car overtaking on the inside must:
  1. Have its front axle AT LEAST ALONGSIDE of the mirror of the other car no later than the apex of the corner.
  2. Be driven in a safe and controlled manner throughout the manoeuvre (entry, apex and exit).
  3. Without (deliberately) forcing the other car off the track at the exit. This includes leaving a fair and acceptable width for the car being overtaken from the apex to the exit of the corner.
  4. Be able to make the corner within the track limits.
V točki 1 bi moral bit "any overlap between cars
V točki 3 je beseda delibaratly odveč. Ne sme je biti. Tisti, ki prehitava, je odgovoren, če tekmeca rine ven, pa če je to žele ali pa mu le ni zneslo.
V točki 4 bi moralo pisat "Be able to make the corner while leaving enough room for the other car on the outside within track limits"

Plus, sodniki naj bi pri presojanju upoštevali:
  1. How did the cars get to the incident? (E.g. late braking, diving in, moving under braking.)
  2. Was the manoeuvre late or “optimistic”?
  3. What could the drivers reasonably see, know, or anticipate?
  4. Do we believe the manoeuvre could be completed on the track?
  5. Was there understeer / oversteer / locking?
  6. Did someone position / handle their car in a way that contributed to the incident?
  7. Did the type of corner contribute to the incident? (e.g. camber, kerbs, curve, apexes)
  8. What were the relative tyres / tyre age / grip?
Pa so (vsaj) točke 2, 3, 7, 8 odveč. So problem voznika in ne sodnikov.

Tole ni glih rocket science, razen za butlje pri FIA.


13. sep 2007
Ena izmed bolj zanimivih stez z ogromno prehitevnj in ne samo na koncu drs ravnine, vi pa bi zdaj to unicli zaradi enega neuspelega manevra norrisa?


13. sep 2007
Hm, koliko jaz razumem, lahko da se motim, je izlet iz steze obeh bil pač v čaru borbe, noben ni nikogar izrival ali blokiral, ker sta oba prepozno zavirala - takih zadev se ne more v pravila zapret, ker so preveč odvisna od situacije, zato so tudi komirasji na dirkah bivši dirkači ki bolj vedo kako dejansko to "doživljajo" dirkači ko dirkajo na nož.
Problem je bil, da je zaradi tega nor pridobil mesto, in zato je dobil kazen. lepo bi ga vrnil nazaj in potem še enkrat maxa prehitel, čisto, pa bi bilo vse ok.
  • Všeč mi je
Reactions: 8888


16. mar 2008
vse bi bilo ok. ce bi maxa dobil 2x kazen za izrivanje, tako kot ostali.. pa bi bilo vse ok.


13. sep 2007
Kje bi naj izrival? Na začetku dirke, ali tam norrisa?

1. če začetek dirke, takrat se velikokrat "pogleda" skozi prste, ker je pač race start in gledajo komisarji bolj ohlapno na pravila
2. tam ga ni izrival, ker je norr tudi falil ovinek, če ne bi bilo tako, bi norr enostavno pustil, da maxa odnese ven, on pa bi po maxovi levi šel mimo po stezi
  • Haha
Reactions: Najbolji in sajkek


13. sep 2007

Chandhok continued on by saying, "If there was gravel or a wall along the outside of the kerb, then Lando wouldn’t have tried to hang on for so long out there. Fundamentally, he overtook another car while off-track and should have given the place back straight away," agreeing with the FIA that Norris' punishment was correct regarding the current regulations.