Every top Italian designer label is copied ... but none of these designers has ever denounced the counterfeiters. And the reason is that the knockoff market is actually useful for the designer label — it offers free publicity, it makes the designs visible all over the world, and it ensures their popularity," he says. "Moreover, very often, the originals and the copies are made with identical fabrics, in the same shops, by the same seamstresses. All controlled by the Camorra."
Uporabnik kravakonj pravi:
Razvrednotenje blagovne znamke tu ni faktor - plain and simple: če nisi prisoten v javnosti, ne boš prav dolgo v poslu, konkurenca v modni industirji je enostavno prevelika. Ne pozabi: modna industrija ne pozna copyright zakonov (prepovedano je zgolj dupliciranje loga, torej 'trademark') - če bi se kdorkoli bal razvrednotenja znamke, bi že zdavnaj uvedli copyright protection.
Imaš pa prav: odkar je zahod preplavil val fake vuittonk (torbico LV ima tako rekoč vsaka druga ženska v Mercatorju), jih bogataši ne kupujejo več, kajne?Citat:
Every top Italian designer label is copied ... but none of these designers has ever denounced the counterfeiters. And the reason is that the knockoff market is actually useful for the designer label — it offers free publicity, it makes the designs visible all over the world, and it ensures their popularity," he says. "Moreover, very often, the originals and the copies are made with identical fabrics, in the same shops, by the same seamstresses. All controlled by the Camorra."
Uporabnik kravakonj pravi:
No, pustimo ob strani tvoje trollanje, point je v tem, da se zopet poenostavlja: problem afriških imigrantov, ki prodajajo fake robo, je precej zapleten. Vsekakor ne bodo delovali populistični prijemi, ki se jih poslužuje tudi italijanska policija, torej sporadično pošiljanje inšpekcij, policijske akcije itd. V vsej tej mahinaciji se obračajo milijarde, ljudje pa vidijo zgolj nekega Senegalca, ki jim vsiljuje torbico - nihče se pa ne vpraša, kdo v resnici tu kuje dobiček, niti nima nihče interesa, da bi tovrstne zadeve preiskoval.