Honoured Sirs, I regret that you had to cancel our flight. I understand that the current virus is affecting the Company's economic situation, however I hope that the Company understands that I have, as a European citizen, a protection with a full set of passenger rights, whether I travel by air, rail, bus and coach or ship. With keeping this in mind, I am kindly reminding you on the Commission Notice "Interpretative Guidelines on EU passenger rights regulations in the context of the developing situation with Covid-19 (C(2020) 1830 final", adopted by the European Commission in Brussels, on 18.3.2020, which gives me the right for a full refund by: citating: "(2..1) Reimbursement of the ticket price or a rerouting at a later stage "at the passenger's convenience" might therefore be preferable for the passenger"... "If the carrier proposes a voucher, this offer cannot affect the passenger's right to opt for the reimbursement instead". In line with Article 5 of the Regulation (EC) No 261/2004, I have a full right for a refund if my flight is cancelled, which I sorely hope You will approve and give me my return ...........for the cancelled flight, since I do not want to use other alternative options, proposed by Customers¿ Services, My Attorney or any other. I truly hope that You will approve my refund. With kind regards
Jaz bi moral leteti z TAP iz Dunaja v Lizbono konec meseca. Let so odpovedali in mi ponujajo vaučer, ki pa ga ne želim trenutno ( no, vsaj za enkrat ne). TAP je ena najbolj neodzivnih letalskih družb, kar jih poznam do sedaj. Po telefonu jih ne prekličeš. pa če visiš na njem 24 ur na dan, preko FB ne odgovarjajo, e-pošte nimajo navedene samo neke online obrazce, ki ne vem komu so namenjeni, ker mi po 14 dneh še niso odgovorili na nobeno vprašanje. Sem jim pa preko online obrazca poslal sledeči text, ki mi ga je posredoval kolega, ki je imel iste probleme z Alitalio in je pri dot ičnem delovalo.....(če bo tudi pri meni pa pojma nimam)
Če kdo misli, da lahko spodnje uporabi....u welcome![]()
Saj vem....poskusit ni greh....sem pa sam pri sebi že odpisal €.![]()
Non compliant airline refuses to refund cancelled flights - Review of TAP Air Portugal - Tripadvisor
TAP Air Portugal: Non compliant airline refuses to refund cancelled flights - See 24,251 traveler reviews, 3,588 candid photos, and great deals for TAP Air Portugal, at Tripadvisor.www.tripadvisor.com
Good luck.
Evo od 12.3 ko sem dal zahtevek za refund ni besede od Emiratov, zato sem sprozil postopek na zavarovalnico, kjer so mi napisali:
V tem primeru vas prosimo še za pisno in podpisano izjavo, da v kolikor prejmete povračilo s strani letalske družbe, boste ta isti znesek povrnili na račun podjetja Assistance Coris d.o.o. V zavarovalništvu namreč velja splošno načelo prepovedi obogatitve.
Ima kdo izkusnjo koliko casa traja preden izplaca Coris?
Kaj ce mi dajo Emirati voucher cez en mesec? Moram vrniti nakazan znesek korisu, ceprav nocem voucherja?
Kaj?! Pa ti niso normalni. Jaz sicer še čakam na razplet, ker imam "let" šele proti koncu meseca, pa niti se ne odzivajo na moja vprašanja. Kam ste jih pa kontaktirali? Nekje sem bral, da so ljudje pri njih dobili voucherje z veljavnostjo do konca leta 2022 ... ampak da zadeva velja 12 mesecev od nakupa letalskih kart je pa nateg prve klase.