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Po vsem tem medijskem fijasku o svinjski gripi je vsakemu človeku z zdravo pametjo jasno, da je celotna kampanija namenjena izključno enormni prodaji cepiv. Prevara in množično nepotrebno cepljenje iz leta 1976 je že pozabljeno, dejmo folk stoprvič na isto foro nategnit... In lej ga, Jest5 je že zdavnaj pozabil, kaj se je leta 76 dogajalo in trobi mainstream medijske laži.
Skrb za zdravje je vse kaj drugega kot nenehno medijsko ustrahovanje ljudi. Potem pa zahtevaš varovalko, kaj če bo šlo kaj narobe? Aja sori, mi proizvajalci cepiv ne odgovarjamo za stranske posledice cepiv... Mislim, sanjski biznis kjer lahko vsako sranje brez posledic prodajaš. Ni čudno, da ima farmacija enormne profite.
BTW, v ZDA te lahko odvlečejo na cepljenje proti tvoji volji, če je potrebno. To jim Obamina uredba omogoča. To je dejstvo.
Še za osvežitev spomina na leto 1976:
Our independent investigations into the clinical trials and statistical studies of influenza vaccines reveal glaring discrepancies. Let us not forget that it is this same New York Times, with its “star” reporter Judith Miller, who led America into believing that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction, tried to purchase yellow cake uranium from Niger, and had dealings with al-Qaeda. And let us also remember that it is the same CDC and health officials in Washington, including President Ford and his top health advisor F. David Matthews, who pushed through and propagandized an untested vaccine during the 1976 swine flu scare, which resulted in thousands of severely neurologically damaged Americans and about 500 reported deaths. Aside from permanent paralysis, many of these vaccine victims also underwent torturous processes for many years to get the government to recognize their illnesses and help cover their costs. Not only was the CDC’s prediction and vaccination campaign for the 1976 flu season a total disaster, it also turned into a deadly scandal, witnessed across the United States on 60 Minutes when Dr. David Sencer, then head of the CDC, confirmed that the vaccine was never field tested, that there were only several reported incidents of H1N1 infection and none of these had been officially confirmed, and then lied about the CDC having no prior evidence that the swine flu vaccine could cause severe and permanent neurological damage. The end result from the 1976 debacle cost the government $3.5 billion in damages, two-thirds were for severe neurological injury and death directly due to the CDC’s vaccination campaign.
Skratka, 500 mrtvih zaradi cepljenja, tisoči poškodovanih, država je mora izplačat 3,5 Mrd$. In ti še vedno trobiš o koristnosti cepljenja proti gripi. Zbudi se.