Cannot install USB Phone parent


1. sep 2007
Far Far Away
Na zgornje sporočilo je verjetno naletel marsikdo, ki je v zadnjih mesecih poskušal nadgraditi Nokia PC Suite (zadnja verzija je 7.0.7) prek kakšne stare verzije, zlasti prek 6.86. Ker rešitve problema dejansko ni moč najti na straneh, kjer bi to moralo biti na prvem mestu
(razen, če jo je Nokia res pred kratkim objavila), da pa se jo najti kje drugje, jo navajam še na Alter portalu. Da vam privarčujem vsaj nekaj ur in izgubljenih živcev ...

How to fix "Cannot install USB Phone parent" when connecting your mobile device to PC.

This was quite an annoying error that wasted around 30 mins of my time today when i tried to connect my Nokia mobile to PC using CA-53 data cable. When i tried to connect the phone for the first time after updating PC suite, it gave me "Cannot install USB Phone parent" and "Fatal error during installation" error messages. A bit of Googling and i found out that the PC suite version i had installed at that time (6.86) was a little retarded and apparently the cable driver that came with it did not support CA-53.

Tried various suggestions on Nokia forums including removing all Nokia software in the system, cleaning registry and then installing version 7 of PC suite only to be greeted with the same error message. Here is what i did to get rid of this problem (It's pretty shorter than most methods mentioned; some of which even suggested using devcon to clean the system).

1. Remove you mobile device from the PC if connected.
2. Uninstall any older versions of PC suite and install the latest version. (link Don't connect the phone just yet.
3. Browse to C:\Windows\System32\Drivers folder.
4. Locate the file WDF01000 and make a backup of it.
5. Now delete WDF01000 from System32\Drivers folder.
6. Launch PC suite and connect your phone. Installation should complete.