Vprašan sem bil če lahko pogledam kaj je narobe, da na enem TV-ju, ne dela vgrajena SMART TV funkcija - oziroma YouTube ne dela.
Sem se kar malo ubadal s tem, da skrajšam, očitno je potekel certifikat in se pri tem potem tudi zatakne. Kot sem našel (spodaj) je to splošen problem (Next Y2K bug), tudi datumsko se ujema, par dni ne dela, prej je pa delal
Gre se pa za Hoferjev 4k TV, tako da ni neka predpotopna zadeva.
A ima še kdo te težave?
Zanašat se za Hofer in update je malo verjetno (a bo kakšen generalni trik - hack na voljo) (če obstaja kakrnakoli možnost vrnit TV bi to iz principa svetoval, je pa zelo verejtno ven iz garancije).
Ali obstaja še kakšna možnost, razen nabavit nek mali Smart TV box?
Smart TVs, fridges and light bulbs may stop working next year: Here's why
Beware September 2021
The next big date to watch is Sept. 30, 2021, Helme said, when the root certificates used by many widely used Let's Encrypt certificates are set to expire. If the makers of the affected devices don't push out updates, and the owners of those devices don't install the updates, then the devices will be reduced to old-fashioned "dumb" appliances.
Root certificates are the most basic level of the worldwide "web of trust" system of digital certificates that make secure internet communications, include all online shopping, possible. We're not going to get into the details, but when a root certificate expires, the devices using those certificates will no longer be trusted by other devices on the internet.
So, bingo: A device whose root certificate has expired won't be able to connect to Netflix to stream a movie, or to Amazon to make an online purchase, or to Gmail to view the user's messages.
Sem se kar malo ubadal s tem, da skrajšam, očitno je potekel certifikat in se pri tem potem tudi zatakne. Kot sem našel (spodaj) je to splošen problem (Next Y2K bug), tudi datumsko se ujema, par dni ne dela, prej je pa delal
Gre se pa za Hoferjev 4k TV, tako da ni neka predpotopna zadeva.
A ima še kdo te težave?
Zanašat se za Hofer in update je malo verjetno (a bo kakšen generalni trik - hack na voljo) (če obstaja kakrnakoli možnost vrnit TV bi to iz principa svetoval, je pa zelo verejtno ven iz garancije).
Ali obstaja še kakšna možnost, razen nabavit nek mali Smart TV box?
Smart TVs, fridges and light bulbs may stop working next year: Here's why
Beware September 2021
The next big date to watch is Sept. 30, 2021, Helme said, when the root certificates used by many widely used Let's Encrypt certificates are set to expire. If the makers of the affected devices don't push out updates, and the owners of those devices don't install the updates, then the devices will be reduced to old-fashioned "dumb" appliances.
Root certificates are the most basic level of the worldwide "web of trust" system of digital certificates that make secure internet communications, include all online shopping, possible. We're not going to get into the details, but when a root certificate expires, the devices using those certificates will no longer be trusted by other devices on the internet.
So, bingo: A device whose root certificate has expired won't be able to connect to Netflix to stream a movie, or to Amazon to make an online purchase, or to Gmail to view the user's messages.

Smart TVs, fridges and light bulbs may stop working next year: Here's why
Expiring security certificates will cut many devices off from the internet