Uporabnik sajkek pravi:
malo off,
jaz si tole ne znam predstavljat... sorry
Na prvo žogo pa tole:
Sorry, but I think that you are out of luck on this one. There is no provision for video output other than HDMI. There have been discussions on this point on xbox forums about this, and the only thing I’ve seen that might work is a converter called the HDfury. It’s expensive though (around $180) and it might make more sense at this point to just upgrade the TV. On the other hand it might be worth it to avoid dealing with moving that monster of a TV you have. Have a look at HDfury and see if it’s something that you want to spend that kind of money on. It's the only option I know of that should work with your existing equipment.
Jaz bi raj še tv kupil za 300 € dobiš 40 col ali več