Torej problem je sledeči:
Winsi mi javljajo tri sporočila:
1. Widow security alert!
Your computer is not protected against spyware!
Spyware able to steal your passwords, credit cards numbers etc.
Scan your computer for spyware immediatly!
2. Widows security alert!
System alert: TrojanSpy.Win32@de. Type: Spyware/Trojan
System: Windows 98/NT/XP/Vista
Description: Spyware program that sends confidental information to a remote attacker.
Protection: Click this baloon to download official security software!
3. Windows security alert!
Spyware detected on your PC.
Click here for more information!
Seveda imam nameščen Superantyspyware program, ki mi je skeniral PC in ni zaznal nobene nezaželjene datoteke.
torej: je comp okužen ali ni!?
Kje najdem tega trojanca, ki ga navajajo winsi?
Ali gre za kako marketinško potezo?
Še nekaj: kako na compaqu evo n1929v brišem datoteke iz naviseznega pomnilnika?
Winsi mi javljajo tri sporočila:
1. Widow security alert!
Your computer is not protected against spyware!
Spyware able to steal your passwords, credit cards numbers etc.
Scan your computer for spyware immediatly!
2. Widows security alert!
System alert: TrojanSpy.Win32@de. Type: Spyware/Trojan
System: Windows 98/NT/XP/Vista
Description: Spyware program that sends confidental information to a remote attacker.
Protection: Click this baloon to download official security software!
3. Windows security alert!
Spyware detected on your PC.
Click here for more information!
Seveda imam nameščen Superantyspyware program, ki mi je skeniral PC in ni zaznal nobene nezaželjene datoteke.
torej: je comp okužen ali ni!?
Kje najdem tega trojanca, ki ga navajajo winsi?
Ali gre za kako marketinško potezo?
Še nekaj: kako na compaqu evo n1929v brišem datoteke iz naviseznega pomnilnika?