Volvo navigacija


19. avg 2007
Originalna navigacija (Volvo S80, letnik 2010) v bazi sicer najde naslove, ko pa računa pot, pa se pojavi obvestilo, da ne najde cilja. WTF?! Pa lahko dan center mesta ali pa točno določeno hišno številko. Naložena ja najnovejša verzija navigacije.

Včasih je zadeva delala BP. Zdaj opažam, da se po potrditvi določenega elementa tudi počasneje premakne na naslednji ukaz - npr. vnesem ulico in potem čakam in čakam na vnos hišne številke.

Je imel kdo podobne težave? Lahko dam še več informacij, če so potrebne.


GPS guru
Osebje foruma
7. jul 2009
v leru
To po mojem mnenju nakazuje na problem branja DVD-ja. Predvidevam da imaš sistem RTI (MMM2), ki deluje iz DVD-ja, torej nima notranjega diska. Še toliko večji problem nastane, kadar se v takih sistemih uporabljajo kopirani DVD-ji, ki imajo bistveno slabšo berljivost kot originalni. S časom se laserska leča obrabi in začnejo se pojavljati problemi, kot si ga navadel, v večini primerov pa sploh več ne prebere DVD-ja.
Nazadnje urejeno:


19. avg 2007
Uganil si glede vrste navigacije in tudi kopiran DVD imam, ja.
Leto dni je delalo BP, zdaj je pa začelo zafrkavati.

Glede na tvoj opis ni niti možno popraviti? :mad:


GPS guru
Osebje foruma
7. jul 2009
v leru
Teoretično je možno ročno skalibrirati moč laserske leče, posledično se to potem pozna pri boljšem branju posnetih DVD-jev. Boš pa moral seveda enoto razmontirat, odstranit laserski mehanizem in stestirat svoje finomehanične spretnosti. Postopek je delikaten in če presežeš optimalne vrednosti, boš skuril lečo. Ker je postopek opisan na enem izmed plačljivih forumov in verjetno nimaš dostopa, ti postopek pripenjam tukaj:

Dedicated to all friends of the forum, who have a Volvo with RTI in your garage:

It's already understood that those systems are very fragile and sensitive to humidity, weather changes, summer heat an so on.
It doesn't matter if your system is a CD-based one, or a DVD-based one: issues will come easily.
The following tutorial is for every system: only trimmer values will change.

-1 Torx screwdriver;
-1 small cross screwdriver;
-1 digital tester;
-1 tube wrench measure 12;
-1 tube wrench measure 10;
-1 clean cloth;
-1 ear cotton;
-20 minutes of spare time.

Laser lenses have usually troubles in reading burned discs, as they've often thinner tracks, than the original ones.
Laser beam has a standard frequnecy, but it's used both for smashing stones and for eye-surgery...
Where's the difference, so?
In the trimmer, to adjust beam's power.

The following example is for a V70 MKII with CD-unit, but it fits every Volvo model.

Leave out the luggage cover and remove the left panel (navi cover) by using the tube wrench #10.
Unplug connectors on the RTI unit and remove it by unscrewing the 3 bolts #12.
Now you have the unit in your hands and you have to unscrew the 3 Torxs in order to dismount the stirrup on it.
Now you have to use your small cross screwdriver, to remove the 10 external screws on your unit.
Once opened you'll have to find the laser lens.
I suggest you taking pictures before dismounting things, as it is very easy not to remember how to mount them back!!!
Close to the lens you'll notice a very small cross screw, that you neither imagine it is a screw!
Now take your digital tester and set it as 200 kOhm range.
Plug the 2 tips (1 red and 1 black), one leftside to the screw and one rightside.
Then check the value given by your tester.
IF YOU HAVE A CD-UNIT, adjust the screw until you reach a value NOT LOWER THAN 600 (usually 660 is good).
FOR A DVD-UNIT the value SHOULDN'T BE ADJUSTED LOWER THAN 200 (usually 350 is good).



Now you can smoothly and delicately clean the lens, with the ear cotton soaked with alcohol.
Use now the other side of the cotton and soak it in water: do the same thing as before.
Remember to be delicate and to make circular movements.
Before mounting the unit back, please check the lens to be dry, otherwise use another dry ear cotton.

Now mount the unit back and check if it works.
If not, do the same procedure and adjust again trimmer values (ALWAYS WITHIN SUGGESTED RANGES!!!)

90% of times it will work.
If not, consider the opportunity of changing laser lens for an usual price of € 60,00 more or less.

I hope that will be helpful to much
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