Vista to XP ne dela


400. registrirani uporabnik
9. avg 2007
Obišči stran
Kupil sem si prenosnik Fujitsu Siemens naloženo je imel nemško visto.

Na PC bi rad naložil XP ampak imam velike težave.
XP mi ne zazna SATA diska.
Poizkusil sem tudi XP z SP3 a tudi ne dela

Kaj mi priporočate
Poizkusil sem s programom Gparted in ne dela!


25. jul 2007
Poskusi v biosu nastaviti kontroler na IDE ali compatibility mode. Če pa ne bo šlo boš pa driver moral zapeči v instalacijski cd od xp-jev z nLite.


400. registrirani uporabnik
9. avg 2007
Obišči stran
Uporabnik doto pravi:
Poskusi v biosu nastaviti kontroler na IDE ali compatibility mode. Če pa ne bo šlo boš pa driver moral zapeči v instalacijski cd od xp-jev z nLite.
Bios je tako siromašen da lahko nastavljam samo uro in boot.
"Če pa ne bo šlo boš pa driver moral zapeči v instalacijski cd od xp-jev z nLite. "
Tega ne razumem! Kakšen driver?


24. jul 2007
mogoce ti tole kaj pomaga

Got a request for this after my last thread so I thought I'd post it up, maybe you could sticky it? It took me forever to figure it out, but in the end it was quite simple! The part that helped the most was finding the driver files nicely packed in a .zip file!

First go here an download the program. It's a great tool and makes this process much simpler (slipstreaming manually is quite the process...)

Next, download this and extract it. This is your driver. A guy on the msfn forums (main nLite support forums) was asking for the Intel Matrix Storage Manager drivers (What our computer uses) because he couldn't get his to work, and someone furnished these. This makes things oh so much simpler. I personally couldn't get the file listed in the Asustek forums to work so this was a lifesaver.

Now, insert your original XP install cd and start nLite. Let it make it's image of your XP cd in a directory of your choosing, then click next, and highlight the driver option. If your XP cd is SP1, do yourself a favor and download the SP2 .exe and also highlight the service pack option. Make sure to highlight the button on the bottom that says "Burn .ISO image" or something to that effect.

If you highlighted the service pack option, on the next page point nLite to your service pack .exe and allow it to do it's thing, and go on to the driver page. Click the button near the bottom to add the driver, it's in a mini dropdown type menu under the list area, and point the program to the folder where you extracted your driver files. It will list the two irl files used in the driver, it doesn't matter which one you pick. once picked, select the "text-mode" driver tab and the highlight all of the driver files listed in the window. You only actually need one of them, but I didn't remember which one it was at the time, and what's the harm? Once this is done click next, and you should be at the iso burning page. I personally just burned directly to disk, but you can burn an ISO and it will work fine and allow you to make more than one CD if you wish. Make sure to actually hit the burn button, the first time I just hit next at the bottom after selecting my burn options and wondered what happened when it didn't burn!

That's it, just pop the CD you've burned into your drive and away you go! Hope this was helpful!

Strange. Extremely.

All I had to do is when the XP install asked for the sata drivers I took out the windows XP cd and put in the sata drivers cd. It put them in, and then asked me to put in the xp cd.

Maybe it's just me but that's all I had to do on my asus c90.

ali pa tale link

ali pa mogoce tale

za kej vec pa v googlu "slipstream sata driver into xp" :) lp