Torej, danes sem na svoje presenečenje ugotovila, da se ne morem več povezati na net preko BT na mojem p990 (se pravi povezavo telefona bi rada uporabila, da bi šla lahko na računalniku na net). Na telefonu nisem nič spreminjala nastavitev, tudi na računalniku ne. Ko enkrat pridem do sporočila registriranje ... (ne vem kam že), mi ven vrže error 734: Error 734: The PPP link control protocol was terminated.
kaj sem naredila (ne v tem vrstnem redu):
zbrisala obstoječo dial-up povezavo in naredila novo (ene x-krat)
odinštalirala modem (p990) in na novo inštalirala
sledila telim navodilom:
1. Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Network and Dial-up Connections.
NOTE: For Windows Server 2003, click Start, point to Control Panel, and then point to Network Connections.
2. Right-click the appropriate dial-up networking connection, and then click Properties.
3. Click the Networking tab, and then click Settings.
4. Click to clear the Negotiate multi-link for single link connections check box (if it is selected).
5. Click OK, and then click OK.
6. Double-click the connection, and then click Dial.
• If this procedure resolves the issue and you can establish a dial-up connection, you do not have to follow the remaining steps in this article.
• If this does not resolve the issue and you cannot establish a dial-up connection, go to step 7 to continue to troubleshoot this issue.
7. Right-click the connection, and then click Properties.
8. Click the Security tab.
9. Under Security options, click Allow unsecured password in the Validate my identity as follows box, and then click OK.
10. Double-click the connection, and then click Dial to verify that you can establish a dial-up connection.
poleg tega sem odkljukala tudi "vključi domeno za prijavo v sistem windows"
načeloma sem imela take nastavitve tudi že prej, tako da ni bilo treba nič spreminjati, povem samo zato, da se ve, da sem jih upoštevala.
tudi preko PC suita sem probala nastaviti, ampak tisto mi nič ne dela - sploh ne najde telefona oz. ga išče dokler vse skupaj ne ugasnem (enkrat sem pustila 45 min).
A mi zna kdo pomagati, ker sem postala rahlo živčna. neumno se mi zdi brskati po netu / brati mail ipd na telefonu, ko imam pa računalnik poleg.
kaj sem naredila (ne v tem vrstnem redu):
zbrisala obstoječo dial-up povezavo in naredila novo (ene x-krat)
odinštalirala modem (p990) in na novo inštalirala
sledila telim navodilom:
1. Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Network and Dial-up Connections.
NOTE: For Windows Server 2003, click Start, point to Control Panel, and then point to Network Connections.
2. Right-click the appropriate dial-up networking connection, and then click Properties.
3. Click the Networking tab, and then click Settings.
4. Click to clear the Negotiate multi-link for single link connections check box (if it is selected).
5. Click OK, and then click OK.
6. Double-click the connection, and then click Dial.
• If this procedure resolves the issue and you can establish a dial-up connection, you do not have to follow the remaining steps in this article.
• If this does not resolve the issue and you cannot establish a dial-up connection, go to step 7 to continue to troubleshoot this issue.
7. Right-click the connection, and then click Properties.
8. Click the Security tab.
9. Under Security options, click Allow unsecured password in the Validate my identity as follows box, and then click OK.
10. Double-click the connection, and then click Dial to verify that you can establish a dial-up connection.
poleg tega sem odkljukala tudi "vključi domeno za prijavo v sistem windows"
načeloma sem imela take nastavitve tudi že prej, tako da ni bilo treba nič spreminjati, povem samo zato, da se ve, da sem jih upoštevala.
tudi preko PC suita sem probala nastaviti, ampak tisto mi nič ne dela - sploh ne najde telefona oz. ga išče dokler vse skupaj ne ugasnem (enkrat sem pustila 45 min).
A mi zna kdo pomagati, ker sem postala rahlo živčna. neumno se mi zdi brskati po netu / brati mail ipd na telefonu, ko imam pa računalnik poleg.