Torej, gre za bombončke, za katere so mulci ugotovili, da se jih da enostavno zdrobiti v zelo droben prahec, spraviti v usta in nato izdihniti, tako da daje vtis cigaretnega dima.
Seveda so na Fox News iz tega naredili celo paniko:
Negative effects of smoking 'Smarties'
Nekaj citatov iz prispevka:
"Take a look at this video. This is unbeliveable. A wild new trend among teens and kids..."
"... it sounds sort of harmless and cute, but in fact it has some major health problems."
"... could cause asthma attack..."
"... there are little particles in it, that can be actually really dangerous."
"... people smoke cigarettes, which is bad enough, they are inhaling a vapour, which is a gas, this is a solid!"
"... you must teach children not to give in to pure pressure, whether it is this, or smoking cigarettes, or alcohol... "
"... they are inhaling particle crystals, like tinny little razor blades..."
"... unbeliveable, scary stuff..."
Originalni video na Youtubeu:
Hecno, kako temnopolti malček obvlada, "proda" zadevo, belčku pa prezentacija ne gre ravno najbolje...
Seveda so na Fox News iz tega naredili celo paniko:
Negative effects of smoking 'Smarties'
Nekaj citatov iz prispevka:
"Take a look at this video. This is unbeliveable. A wild new trend among teens and kids..."
"... it sounds sort of harmless and cute, but in fact it has some major health problems."
"... could cause asthma attack..."
"... there are little particles in it, that can be actually really dangerous."
"... people smoke cigarettes, which is bad enough, they are inhaling a vapour, which is a gas, this is a solid!"
"... you must teach children not to give in to pure pressure, whether it is this, or smoking cigarettes, or alcohol... "
"... they are inhaling particle crystals, like tinny little razor blades..."
"... unbeliveable, scary stuff..."
Originalni video na Youtubeu:
Hecno, kako temnopolti malček obvlada, "proda" zadevo, belčku pa prezentacija ne gre ravno najbolje...