Menda je tale Rus 20. septembra umrl v Siriji. Pred tem se je boril v Donbasu.
10. septembra je tvitnil
18. sept
20. septembra:
4. septembra:
Izvor citata, kolikor na hitro najdem. Z ang. podnapisi:
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10. septembra je tvitnil
We come, we will kill you
18. sept
Do you know the difference between ISIL from ukrov? For - me nothing, they both want to kill
20. septembra:
kratko o situaciji
p.izda tebe
ISIL yebanyy
4. septembra:

Izvor citata, kolikor na hitro najdem. Z ang. podnapisi:
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Stahlgewitter is a controversial German Hard Rock and Rock Against Communism group founded in 1995.[2] Despite the genre's name, RAC song lyrics rarely focus on the specific topic of anti-communism. Rather, RAC lyrics typically feature nationalist themes.[3][4][5][6] Stahlgewitter is listed by the group 'Netz gegen Nazis' (Network Against Nazis) as one of the more popular contemporary Rock Against Communism groups.
For their supposed Nazi ties the band has been investigated by the German police for supporting hate speech. The band is listed as a hate group for these reasons by the US organisation the Anti-Defamation League.
Stahlgewitter's lyrics however, do promote extremism by promoting and praising National Socialism or organisations that were under the German Nazi party, who engaged in crimes against humanity through the means of both genocide and democide.[10] In their lyrics they complain about "Zionist-occupied governments" as well pay homage to today's neo-Nazis as "political soldiers" by proclaiming them to be today's Sturmabteilung(SA) or "Brownshirts", a paramilitary organisation of the Nazi Party that played a key role in Adolf Hitler's rise to power in the 1920s and 1930s.
One example is the praise in their song 'Ruhm und Ehre der Waffen SS' of the Waffen SS who committed numerous war crimes, particularly civilian massacres
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