Predelava indukcijskega motorja v generator


28. okt 2010
Kako je s tem? Fino bi bilo slišat/prebrat kaj na to temo od koga ki je te zadeve že delal ...
Predvsem me pa zanima ali ima tale čova prav (tisto razmerje moči mi ne da miru ...)

"The best info that I have seen on this subject is in a booklet put out by Eagle Research, called Reverse Your Electric Meter Legally. It is well worth the $14 price. Basically, the method uses an induction motor (IM)as a generator to directly produce household usable power, and any excess power that you do not utilize will flow out to the grid, thus causing your meter to run backwards. Safety circuits are included in the book to stop supplying power to the grid when the circuit senses a grid outage. You can pick up a used induction motor quite inexpensively - perhaps even free, and the book will tell you where to look for one. Most induction motors get scrapped when the "start" windings burn out, but the "run" windings are all you need, and these seldom go bad. When you turn an induction motor with a drive belt that is driven by your engine, just a bit over the IM's rated rpm, it becomes an excellent generator, and delivers the voltage rated on its tag. The amount of amperage capability depends on the size of the IM. A four pole IM rated at 1800 rpm synchronous speed will usually develop its rated hp at about 1745 rpm, which is 55 rpm less than the rating. Here's the sweet stuff: To turn the same IM into a generator of the same hp rating, you only need to increase the rpm's to about 1855! That's just 55 rpm above the synchrounous rating, and a total rpm increase of just 3%. You don't need to spin it up any faster than that, and doing so would just cause the IM to heat up. You can run it continuously at 1855 rpm, as a generator, with no heat problem. And the output is so simple. You plug the IM into any receptacle in your house that has the same voltage and frequency rating, and that's it! Of course you'd leave it switched off until the IM is brought up to operating speed. The larger the IM that you can drive in this manner, the better it will be, of course. You can drive a 10 hp IM up to synchronus speed with just 1 hp from the shaft of a drive engine, so if you are using a 3 to 5 hp gas engine at well under full power, and using drive pulley ratios to triple the output speed at the IM, your gas engine will work nicely, and economically, at an idle speed of between 615 and 620 rpm. If you fuel your GEET equipped engine with waste oil and water, your energy cost will be just about nothing, and the electric company will end up paying you for power you create while you are sleeping.

Here's a link to the book that I mentioned above. I have had one for quite some time, and it is excellent - tells you everything you will need to know about the subject, and all the protective and switching circuits are included. Reverse Your Electric Meter, Legally! [4901.99.00.503] - $14.00 : Eagle-Research Store

Best regards to you, "


18. avg 2007
V tem, da se indukcijski asinhronec uporablja kot generator ima prav. Mora pa jasno biti priklopljen na omrežje, saj brez tega ne da nič od sebe. Male HE dostikrat uporabljajo asinhronske generatroje, saj so cenejši, kot sinhronski s potrebno regulacijo.

Tisto o potrebnih močeh je pa en velik hec.


28. okt 2010
Sem si mislil ja ...
Ampak najbrž ima ata prav dokler gre za frejlauf. Ko pa ta "generator" obremeniš pa je slilka najbrž drugačna.
Nego, recimo da da tak generator od sebe 1 kW. S takim porabnikom ga tudi obremeniš (recmo da gre za pečko). Koliko mora dat od sebe pogonski motor, da tole laufa? Takole, od oka ...

(a tisto glede +10% nazivnih obratov tudi drži? take stvari je dobro vedet, da se nađe ... pa kateri motorji se najboljše obnesejo (znamka)? večno hvaležen za informacije ...

Aja, sem zasledil v kasnejšem besedilu, da ni mus, da je priklopljen v omrežje. Ampak v tem primeru nujno potrebuje generator frekvence (po možnosti sinusni).
Nazadnje urejeno:


28. okt 2010
Še eno vprašanjce, takole ob robu.
Zgoraj prilimano besedilo je iz ene debate o tem kako sinhronizirat lastni generator v omrežje. Potem pa je tale čova spisal to kar je prilimano, je pa ta informacija iz ene knjigice (ki je tudi omenjena), govori pa v bistvu o vrtenju el. števca v nasprotno smer. Pri kavbojih je tole očitno dovoljena praksa (priklopiš takle motor/generator), števec pa v bistvu odšteva.
Kako pa je s tem pri nas?


18. avg 2007
Izkoristek je podoben, kot pri motorskem delovanju. Se pravi da moraš dovajati toliko več moči, kolikor jo poberejo izgube. Koliko je pa odvisno od posameznega motorja.
Tudi za obrate je odvisno od tega, s kakšnim motorjem imaš opravka(koliko polni, pri katerih obratih ima max navor itd).

Sam generator frekvence ni dovolj, če hočeš laufati brez omrežja. Rabiš še kondenzatorske baterije, da ti delajo jalovo energijo, ki se potrebuje za magnetenje. Je pa to dosti bolj komplicirano za narediti in se tega ne uporablja-je ceneje uporabiti sinhronski generator

Tebi je važen del, ki je obkrožen z rdečo-če si v tem območju imaš generator. (levo je vrtenje nad sinhronsko hitrostjo, desno pa pod sinhronsko hitrostjo)
Nazadnje urejeno:


16. sep 2007
Uporabnik SamSvoj pravi:
Še eno vprašanjce, takole ob robu.
Zgoraj prilimano besedilo je iz ene debate o tem kako sinhronizirat lastni generator v omrežje. Potem pa je tale čova spisal to kar je prilimano, je pa ta informacija iz ene knjigice (ki je tudi omenjena), govori pa v bistvu o vrtenju el. števca v nasprotno smer. Pri kavbojih je tole očitno dovoljena praksa (priklopiš takle motor/generator), števec pa v bistvu odšteva.
Kako pa je s tem pri nas?
Poglej pod sončne celice.
Če ti ustvarijo več energije kot porabiš, gre v omrežje in se ti odšteje od tvoje porabe. Po kar ugodni (subvencionirani) ceni.


28. okt 2010
Aha, investicija gre pa v nebeške višave ...
Saj če bi imel viška EUR in ustrezno lokacijo, bi morda še kaj razmišljal v to smer, tako pa ...