Nikakor ne morem spraviti winXP na računalnik


3. sep 2007
In sicer imam prenosni računalnik eMachines e510 series. Verjetno bi moral v biosu izklopit tisti SATA pri diskih, vendar nikakor ne pridem v BIOS??? Gor so pa Linpus Linus, popolnoma neuporabna zadeva za enga, ko bi imel rad WINDOWSE. Ko dam not WinXP se boota, nato pa ko stisneš ENTER za namestev napiše da ne najde diska. Ima kdo kako idejo?? Trenutno mi ni opcija da nameščam kakšno drugo verzijo Linuxov. Bi mogoče Vista šla namestit?


8. jun 2008
Rabiš XPje z dodanimi SATA driverji, da ti zazna hdd...Če je to to, kar mislim..
Nazadnje urejeno:


iPhone Profi
20. jul 2007
Kako pa poskušaš priti v bios? Probaj vse tipke od F1 pa do F12.... pa DEL tipko... pa mogoče še kake kombinacije.
Če je ta tukaj ( prišel v bios, bi moral tudi ti...
Sicer imaš pa še vedno možnost dobiti sata gonilnike in jih z nlite slipstreamat v XP cd.


8. maj 2007
Da izkoristim temo, če imam SATA disk, Winse pa instaliram v SATA disc OFF, kaj to pomeni v praksi?


7. sep 2007
Vklopi se IDE-emulacija in ne moreš uporabljati hotswapa in NCQ-ja, ki ga podpira AHCI kontroler. To je hkrati tudi ena izmed prednosti SATA diskov pred IDE.
Native mode daj na off in inštaliraj XP. Prvo, kar moraš narediti, ko si enkrat v XP, je, da inštaliraš driver za chipset. S tem dobiš ponavadi tudi SATA driverje. Naknadno lahko daš v BIOS SATA mode nazaj na on in bi moralo delati. Še prej počekiraj kake forume, kjer so enako delali na isti plati, da boš ziher.

Vseeno pa je bolje, če si daš driver na disketo in mu jo ob inštalaciji pomoliš ... Na prenosnikih brez disketnika to ni mogoče, zato je pač edini izhod ta, da se SATA mode izklopi in po inštalaciji driverjev spet vklopi nazaj. XP pa nimajo podpore, da bi znali take driverje brat z USB ključa, hkrati pa sploh ne poznajo AHCI podpore, tako da v vsakem primeru delajo zmeraj v IDE-emulaciji, dokler jim ne daš primernega driverja.


4. sep 2008
Dobrova pri LJ.
Uporabnik Naglfar pravi:
Vseeno pa je bolje, če si daš driver na disketo in mu jo ob inštalaciji pomoliš ... Na prenosnikih brez disketnika to ni mogoče, zato je pač edini izhod ta, da se SATA mode izklopi in po inštalaciji driverjev spet vklopi nazaj. .

Lahko uporabiš disketo in zunanji disketnik, priklopljen na USB.


16. sep 2007
Uporabnik Simon_Vi pravi:
Da izkoristim temo, če imam SATA disk, Winse pa instaliram v SATA disc OFF, kaj to pomeni v praksi?
Skoraj nič.

Enim dela AHCi način hitreje, drugim IDE.

Jaz sem si včasih razbijal glavo glede tega, zdaj pa se več ne sekiram


25. avg 2007
Steinov zadnji odgovor je čisto pravi.
Rad bi mu samo rekel, da mi je žal ker si je včasih razbijal glavo glede tega.
Jaz si jo nisem nič, sem namreč kar prečital zakaj je to in zakaj ono!


19. jul 2007
Lahko pa dolpotegneš nLite, narediš ISO image XPjev z vkomponiranim SP3, IE7, Intel ICH9R čipsetom (pa še kakšnim za najbolj pogoste prenosnike in desktope) in to potem zapečeš nazaj na CD. In nimaš dilem ali vklopiti ali izklopiti AHCI funkcionalnost... Ta funkcionalnost tudi omogoča hot/swap diske, kar so tudi zunanji (eSATA) diski (eSATA je samo tip priključka)


25. avg 2007
Inštalacija Win XP na HP 6730s

Pri inštalaciji win xp na nove prenosne računalnike, ki imajo sata diske naletimo na težavo, saj windowsi xp nimajo zahtevenih gonilnikov za sata kontrolerje. Zadevo lahko uredimo na dva načina. Lahko v biosu nastavimo IDE mode (pomeni da izklopimo sata). MS Windows Vista nima teh težav saj distribucija že vsebuje zahtevane gonilnike.

Drugi način pa je, da v samo win xp distribucijo dodamo ustrezne gonilnike, katere najdemo na strani proizvajalca računalnika (v našem primeru HP).

Način kako, to storiti je opisan na naslednjem linku:

Stand Alone Windows Installation:

Download the latest SATA AHCI driver from . For addition information, HP Notebook PCs - Locating HP Software, Driver and BIOS Updates
Download and install an orthodox file manager.
NOTE: For this example, Total Commander is used. Refer to the software help files for additional assistance.

Download and install the CD and DVD data recovery software.
NOTE: For this example, Ultra ISO is used. Refer to the software help files for additional assistance.

Extracting files
Start Total Commander by clicking Start , All Programs , Total Commander and then click Total Commander 32 . If the non-registered version is used, follow the pop-up windows instructions.
NOTE: For assistance and instructions on using Total Commander, view the Total Commander help file.

Locate the downloaded SATA AHCI driver using the directory structure in Total Commander. Select the SATA AHCI driver.
Figure 1: SATA AHCI driver located
On the File Menu, click File and select Unpack Specific Files .
Type the target location to unpack the file.
Figure 2: Enter unpack location
Locate the unpacked files.
Repeat the unpack process for F6flpy32.exe .
Open the temp.IMA extracted from the F6flpy32.exe file using Ultra ISO or equivalent application.
Figure 3: temp.IMA driver files
Copy the temp.IMA driver files to a floppy disk or burn the files to a CDROM.
Disable SATA native mode
Start the notebook PC.
Repeatedly press the F10 key (or key designated by the notebook PC) until the notebook enters the Computer Setup screen.
Use the arrow keys to select System Configuration .
Use the arrow keys to select SATA Native Mode and set the mode to Disable .
Figure 4: Disable SATA Native Mode
Press the F10 key (or designated key to accept the changes).
Save changes and exit Computer Setup.
The notebook should restart.
Installing Windows using native SATA drivers
To install Windows XP with native SATA driver, perform the following steps:
Boot the notebook PC.
Insert the Windows XP installation CD into the optical CD/DVD drive.
Press the F6 key when prompted
Figure 5: Third Party Driver Prompt
Press the S key to specify the additional device.
Figure 6: Specify Additional Device
Insert the SATA driver disk into drive A.
Figure 7: Insert Driver Disk
Follow the on-screen prompts.
Enable SATA native mode
During the starting of the notebook PC, repeatedly press the F10 key (or key designated by the notebook PC) until the notebook enters the Computer Setup screen.
Use the arrow keys to select System Configuration .
Use the arrow keys to select SATA Native Mode and set the mode to Disable .
Figure 8: Enable SATA native mode
Press the F10 key (or designated key to accept the changes).
Save changes and exit Computer Setup.
The notebook should restart.
RIS (Remote Installation Services)
Download the latest “Intel Matrix Storage Manager?? driver After downloading the “Intel Matrix Storage Manager?? create one folder named Sata and copy the iata61_enu.exe which you just downloaded from above mentioned link. Intel Matrix Storage Manager includes SATA controller driver also
Use following command to extract the driver files:
c:\sata\ iata61_enu.exe -a -a -pc:\sata
When run, the installation process begins; simply click through the dialogs as prompted. This will not install the driver, it will only extract the driver files to . After the extraction is completed, the driver files can be found in .
Copy the extracted files to the RIS distribution point (on the RIS server):
Copy the same files to:
Open the RemoteInstall\Setup\Images\\i386\txtsetup.sif file with notepad, and add the following lines to the sections noted (section names are in brackets):
Save the file and exit notepad.
Open the Remote Install\Setup\\Images\\i386\templates\ristndrd.sif file with notepad, and under the section [Unattended] add the following lines:
Save the file and exit notepad.
Finally, to complete the process, stop and restart the BINL service on the RIS server as follows:
Go to a command prompt and type net stop binlsvc and press Enter. Then type net start binlsvc and press Enter.