Najboljša/Najlepša besedila *DELETED*


10. dec 2007
Limajte besedila, najlepša, najboljša, ki so vas spravila v jok ali smeh, ste se našli v njih..
Nazadnje urejeno:


7. jan 2008

Ko nebo se umiri
Se kot pravljica v večer spusti
Kam grem zdaj
Kje je pot v raj

In od takrat verjamem
Da sreča vedno najde te
In da sorodna duša oživi ti srce

Ker želim si biti tam s teboj
Na obzorju, vsi planeti pod menoj
In pokaži, kje je pot v raj
Kje čakaš ti me zdaj - ne vem

In veter me je nesel tja...

Saj nisem jaz odšla - ahaa...
In ne vidim zdaj luči nebes
Odhajam zdaj v temo, a le še
Daj objemi me, za vedno bom tvoja ostala

V sanjah pa jezdila visoko po nebu sva
S svetlim mesecem v morju sva se potapljala
Ne morem več, ne maram več zlata
Samo poljub bi bil dovolj

Zapri oči in se naspi

lahko noč


19. jul 2007
Far from here
The Cranberries - LINGER

If you, if you could return, don't let it burn, don't let it fade.
I'm sure I'm not being rude, but it's just your attitude,
It's tearing me apart, It's ruining everything.

I swore, I swore I would be true, and honey, so did you.
So why were you holding her hand? Is that the way we stand?
Were you lying all the time? Was it just a game to you?

But I'm in so deep. You know I'm such a fool for you.
You got me wrapped around your finger, aaahh.
Do you have to let it linger? Do you have to, do you have to,
Do you have to let it linger?

Oh, I thought the world of you.
I thought nothing could go wrong,
But I was wrong. I was wrong.
If you, if you could get by, trying not to lie,
Things wouldn't be so confused and I wouldn't feel so used,
But you always really knew, I just wanna be with you.

But I'm in so deep. You know I'm such a fool for you.
You got me wrapped around your finger, aaahhh.
Do you have to let it linger? Do you have to, do you have to,
Do you have to let it linger?

22. jul 2007

Gledala je za njim
Kako odhaja
Srečen kot vedno
A ne ve kaj v njej se dogaja
Ne njemu ne zameri
Ker preveč ga je ljubila
A sebi tega ne bo nikoli oprostila
Vedela je da je ne ljubi
Da je vedno le lagal
A verjela je slepo
Le da z njo bi ostal
Kaj vse bi storila,le da
Enkrat bi jo še objel
In rekla je tisti večer
Preden je odšel
Ljubi me ljubi
Prosim imej me rad
Naj bo ta noč le za naju
Pa čeprav zadnji krat
Le tebe si želim,vzemi me
Dala ti bom vse
A ko se zjutraj zbudim
Nočem biti več dekle
Zdaj sama gre
Naprej po isti poti
Najraje je v temi
Najraje v samoti
Kot da ne more
Pozabiti tiste noči
Gleda njegovo sliko in
Z njim zaspi
In pravi
Ljubi me ljubi
Prosim imej me rad
Naj bo ta noč le za naju
Pa čeprav zadnji krat
Le tebe si želim,vzemi me
Dala ti bom vse
A ko se zjutraj zbudim
Nočem biti več dekle


3. sep 2007
Zmelkoow - Orao pao:

Včasih sem sposoben naredit tudi kaj pomembnega
ampak danes pač ni tak dan
V glavi imam top in v prsih ranjenca
Nosi značko vojni veteran

Vem da izgledam kot kup nesreče vržen stran
ampak to je prehodna stvar
Drugače sem poln elana in zagnan
danes pa mi je pregorela žarnica

Dovolj Zahtevam tajmaut
To je dno čez mene so povlekli asfalt

Kot punčka iz porcelana med keglji stojim
in gledam kroglo ki se kotali
čez nekaj trenutkov bom le še kup črepinj
ki čaka da jih kdo zbrca na stran

Tudi orel se včasih spusti z vrha sveta na pivo in čips
Stran od radovednih oči ki ga poznajo samo z grbov
Tudi orel se včasih spusti z vrha sveta na pivo in čips
Stran od radovednih oči ki ga poznajo samo z grbov

Menda bo treba še dosti postorit
ampak meni se nikamor ne mudi
Kot kamikaza ki je zgrešil svoj cilj
in obtičal v blatu

Tu in tam sem sposoben velikih stvari
ampak zdaj ni primeren čas
Kot da se je v meni utrgal oblak
in padajo letala z neba

Tudi orel se včasih spusti z vrha sveta na pivo in čips
Stran od radovednih oči ki ga poznajo samo z grbov
Tudi orel se včasih spusti z vrha sveta na pivo in čips
Stran od radovednih oči ki ga poznajo samo z grbov


19. jul 2007
All my troubles seemed so far away,
Now it looks as though they're here to stay,
Oh, I believe in yesterday.

I'm not half the man I used to be,
There's a shadow hanging over me,
Oh, yesterday came suddenly.

Why she
Had to go I don't know, she wouldn't say.
I said,
Something wrong, now I long for yesterday.

Love was such an easy game to play,

Now I need a place to hide away,
Oh, I believe in yesterday.

Why she
Had to go I don't know, she wouldn't say.
I said,
Something wrong, now I long for yesterday.

Love was such an easy game to play,
Now I need a place to hide away,
Oh, I believe in yesterday. Yesterday


16. sep 2007
Vsekakor Prešeren, za vse Ljubljančanke


Oče Janez ječmen seje,
tam na polju pr' Ljubljan',
mim' se vandrovček prismeje,
sam presveti Kozmijan.

Prav prijazno ga pozdravi:
''Kaj pa delaš Janez tu?!''
Janez pa je slabe volje:
''jebeštrga te gleda!'' reče mu.

''Kaj svetnika jebeštrga bi gledal!''
reče sveti Kozmijan.
''Bom naredil coprnijo,
da bo svet v pokoro djan!''

Komaj misli te izreče,
z njive kurci poženo.
Janez brž po Katro teče:
''Katra, Katra kaj bo to?''

Katra ven iz kajže teče,
vid' na njiv' soldate stat,
od veselja si jo mane:
''Moj ga 'ma t'ko sam za scat!''

Katra prvega natakne
gori doli vzdihujoč.
Niti enkrat ji ne zmakne,
z njim jo drajsa celo noč.

Drugo jutro polna njiva
samih strumnih je devic,
vse počepa in poriva,
saj na svet je dost' prasic.

Izmed vseh ljubljanske frajle
najbolj vnetih so [cenzura],
zaslužile bi kolajne,
znajo onegavit kar za dva.

Sem prišle so na kurbanje,
tud' Ljubljančanke gospe,
najdeb'lejši so le zanje,
da se v pizdah ne zgube.

Jel' to morje Adrijansko,
ki tak strašno valovi.
Ne, to pizdovje je ljubljansko,
ki na kurcih se besni.

Sred največje kurbarije
pride mimo coprn'ca,
pa si zmisli coprnijo,
da bi stvar še lažje šla.

''Stojte pizde nenasitne!
Kaj nek fukate čepe?
Zmatrajo se žile ritne,
lepš' porivat je leže.

Kurce ven iz zemlje spul'te
in zavijte jih v papir.
Z njim doma si pizde gul'te,
da bo rit imela mir.

Reci:''Dominus vobiscum!''
dominus ti v ***** skoč',
pa boš imela svoj pritiskum,
k' te bo drajsal celo noč.

Kadar pride ti zastoči:
''Etkum spiritus tuo!''
Dominus ti iz ritke skoči
požegnavši te z vodo.

Ženske so tako storile,
jebeštrga pod pajsko pa domov,
kar naprej so se gonile,
furt na furt jih je bezov.

Pele dominus so rano,
pele dominus zvečer.
Vse po poslah je poscano,
dominus je huda zver.

Tudi Katra s svojim leže
in nastavi si ga v rit.
Dominus ji koj postreže,
tri dni se je nič ne vid.

Še četrti in še peti
Katra v luštih izdrži.
A deveti in deseti
[cenzura] več je ne srbi.

Že sta tedna dva minila,
Katra je že čisto preč,
je besede pozabila,
da b' je jebeštrga ne fukal več.

Dominus pa kar poriva,
ne minute ni pr' mir'.
Katra je napol še živa,
[cenzura] kot zmečkan krompir.

Kje si pizdica nekdanja,
ki si kurce stiskala?
Razcefrana kakor cunja
blagor mu k' spomin ima.

''O nesrečni fuk gol'fivi,''
še enkrat spregovori.
Med neštetimi porivi
bogu dušo izpusti.

Dajo gor jo na te pare,
ni je več ko par kosti.
Dominus naprej jih tare,
moč ustaviti ga ni.

Še ko trugo so zabili,
spaka je po njej bezov.
Kmal' bi trugo iz rok spustili,
t'ko je butal ob pokrov.

S štriki so jo povezali
in spustili jo v zemljo.
Pol so patra poklicali,
pričak'vali, kaj da bo.

Pater grobu se približa
sliš' v jami ropotat,
od strahu se brž prekriža,
mal' ga tudi prime srat.

Pater dominus zapoje,
hoče Katro poškropit,
-jebeštrga naj gleda žegne tvoje-
dominus mu skoči v rit.

K sreči mežnar se požuri:
''Etkum spiritus tuo!''
Dominus jo z rit odkuri,
več nazaj ga ni bilo.

Katra v grobu mir uživa,
moli zanjo če s' kristjan.
''Vsega zla je [cenzura] kriva!''
pravi sveti Kozmijan.

Do zdej ste b'le še d'vice,
do zdej še niste dale,
do zdej ste jo imele
zato le, da ste scale.

Mi smo še cele,
nismo držale,
smo jih imele,
da smo iz njih scale.

Ne maram za naše,
so slabe krvi,
mam rajši Taljane,
k' jim boljši stoji;
šla bom na Laško,
v mesto Turin,
prinesla bom "mačko"
nazaj brez kocin.

Kako da se birtom
Trebuhi redé?
Ker žrêjo, pijêjo
Do belega dne.

Kako da se ferboltarjem62
Trebuhi redé?
Kri kmetov pijêjo
Pijavke hude.

Kako da se dohtarjem
Trebuhi redé?
Zato ki nobeden
K njim prazen ne sme.

Kako da se peamtarjem63
Trebuhi redé?
Zato, ki se mazat
Vsi radi pusté.

Kako da se farjem
Trebuhi redé?
Za maše jim nosijo
Neumne žene.

Kako da se nunam
Trebuhi redé?
Zato ki se farjam
Porivat pusté


Nazadnje urejeno:


10. dec 2007
Nick KAMEN -I promised myself

I Promised Myself
I promised I'd wait for you
The midnight hour
I know you'll shine on through
I promised myself
I promised the world to you
I gave you flowers
You made my dreams come true
How many of us out there
Feel the need to run and look for shelter
I promised myself
That I'd say a prayer for you
A brand new tomorrow
Where all you wish comes true
I promised myself
That I'd make it up to you
My sister and brother
Know I'm in love with you
How many of us out there
Feel the pain of losing what was once there
God I know what people say about her
No mistake, who can live without love
I promise myself that i'd wait for you
How many of us out there
Feel the pain, of losing what was once there
God I know what people say about her
No mistake, who can live without love
I promised myself
I promised I'd wait for you
The midnight hour
I know you'll shine on through
I promised myself
I promised the world to you
I gave you flowers
You made my dreams come true
In the midnight hour I will wait for you
I will wait for you, I will wait for you
In the midnight hour I will wait for you
I will wait for you, I will wait for you
I promised myself


10. dec 2007
Katharine McPhee -Over It

I'm over your lies,
and I'm over your games.
I'm over you asking me,
when you know I'm not okay.
You call me at night,
and I pick up the phone.
And though you've been telling me,
I know you're not alone.

That's why
(your eyes)
I'm over it
(your smile)
I'm over it
I'm over it
I'm over it
I'm over..

Wanting you,
to be wanting me.
No that ain't no way to be.
How I feel, read my lips,
because I'm so over..
Moving on, it's my time,
you never were a friend of mine.
Hurt at first, a little bit,
but now I'm so over.
I'm so over it..

I'm over your hands,
and I'm over your mouth.
Trying to drag me down,
and fill me with self-doubt.

That's why,
(your words)
I'm over it
(so sure)
I'm over it
(I'm not your girl)
I'm over it
I'm over it
I'm over...

Wanting you,
to be wanting me.
No that ain't no way to be.
How I feel, read my lips,
because I'm so over..
Moving on, it's my time,
you never were a friend of mine.
Hurt at first, a little bit,
but now I'm so over.
I'm so over it..

Don't call,
don't come by,
ain't no use,
don't ask me why,
you'll never change,
there'll be no more crying in the rain.

Wanting you,
to be wanting me.
No that ain't no way to be.
How I feel, read my lips,
because I'm so over..
Moving on, it's my time,
you never were a friend of mine.
Hurt at first, a little bit,
but now I'm so over.
I'm so over it..

I'm so over it....
I'm over it....

Wanting you,
to be wanting me.
No that ain't no way to be.
How I feel, read my lips,
because I'm so over..
Moving on, it's my time,
you never were a friend of mine.
Hurt at first, a little bit,
but now I'm so over.
I'm so over it..


10. dec 2007
Rascal Flatts -What hurts the most

I can take the rain on the roof of this empty house
That don’t bother me
I can take a few tears now and then and just let them out
I’m not afraid to cry every once in a while
Even though going on with you gone still upsets me
There are days every now and again I pretend I’m ok
But that’s not what gets me

What hurts the most
Was being so close
And having so much to say
And watching you walk away
And never knowing
What could have been
And not seeing that loving you
Is what I was tryin’ to do

It’s hard to deal with the pain of losing you everywhere I go
But I’m doin’ It
It’s hard to force that smile when I see our old friends and I’m alone
Still Harder
Getting up, getting dressed, livin’ with this regret
But I know if I could do it over
I would trade give away all the words that I saved in my heart
That I left unspoken

What hurts the most
Is being so close
And having so much to say
And watching you walk away
And never knowing
What could have been
And not seeing that loving you
Is what I was trying to do

What hurts the most
Is being so close
And having so much to say
And watching you walk away
And never knowing
What could have been
And not seeing that loving you
Is what I was trying to do

Not seeing that loving you
That’s what I was trying to do


5. avg 2007
Ljubljana Moste
meni osebno dva boljša besedila... sploh tale ta prva mi je ubitačna, sploh k Slash une solote prtegne spodaj...

Guns n'Roses - Estranged

When you're talking to yourself
And nobody's home
Look out for yourself
You came in this world alone...(alone)

So nobody ever told you baby, how it was gonna be
What'll happen to you baby, guess we'll have to wait and see...

Old at heart. But I'm only 28
I'm much too young to let love break my heart
Young at heart, but it's getting much too late
To find myself so far apart
I don't know how you're supposed to find me lately
And what more could you ask from me
How could you say that I never needed you
When you took everything
Said you took everything from me

Young at heart. And it gets so hard to wait
No one I know can seem to help me now
Old at heart. But I musn't hesitate
If I'm to find my own way out
Still talking to myself. And nobody's home.....(alone)

So nobody ever told us baby, how it was gonna be
What'll happen to us baby, guess we'll have to wait and see

When I find all of the reasons
Maybe I'll find another way
Find another day
With all the changing seasons of my life
Maybe I'll get it right next time
And now that you've been broken down
Got your head out of the clouds
You're back down on the ground
You don't talk so loud, and you don't walk so proud
Anymore... and what for...

Well I jumped into the river
Too many times to make it home
I'm out here on my own
Drifting all alone
If it doesn't show
Give it time to read between the lines
'Cause I see the storm is getting closer
And the waves, they get so high
Seems everything we've ever known, dear
Why must it drift away and die

I'll never find anyone to replace you
Guess I'll have to make it through
This time, oh this time, without you
I knew the storm was getting closer
And all my friends said I was high
But everything we've ever known, dear
I never wanted it to die...

in pa še ena globoka - Alter Brigde - In Loving Memory

Thanks for all you've done
I've missed you for so long
I can't believe you're gone
You still live in me
I feel you in the wind
You guide me constantly

I've never knew what it was to be alone, no
Cause you were always there for me
You were always there waiting
And ill come home and I miss your face so
Smiling down on me
I close my eyes to see

And I know, you're a part of me
And it's your song that sets me free
I sing it while I feel I can't hold on
I sing tonight cause it comforts me

I carry the things that remind me of you
In loving memory of
The one that was so true
Your were as kind as you could be
And even though you're gone
You still mean the world to me

I've never knew what it was to be alone, no
Cause you were always there for me
You were always there waiting
But now I come home and it's not the same, no
It feels empty and alone
I can't believe you're gone

And I know, you're a part of me
And it's your song that sets me free
I sing it while I feel I can't hold on
I sing tonight cause it comforts me

I'm glad he set you free from sorrow
I'll still love you more tomorrow
And you will be here with me still

And what you did you did with feeling
And You always found the meaning
And you always will
And you always will
And you always will


And I know, you're a part of me
And it's your song that sets me free
I sing it while I feel I can't hold on
I sing tonight cause it comforts me

od naših jih je pa tud ene par... od Siddharte Homo Carnula, od DMP - Ti si vse... pa še kej bi se znalo najt...


10. dec 2007

A hundred days have made me older
Since the last time that I saw your pretty face
A thousand lies have made me colder
And I don't think I can look at this the same
But all the miles that separate
Disappear now when I'm dreaming of your face

I'm here without you baby
But you're still on my lonely mind
I think about you baby
And I dream about you all the time
I'm here without you baby
But you're still with me in my dreams
And tonight it's only you and me

The miles just keep rollin'
As the people leave their way to say hello
I've heard this life is overrated
But I hope that it gets better as we go

I'm here without you baby
But you're still on my lonely mind
I think about you baby
And I dream about you all the time
I'm here without you baby
But you're still with me in my dreams
And tonight girl its only you and me

Everything I know, and anywhere I go
It gets hard but it wont take away my love
And when the last one falls
When it's all said and done
It gets hard but it wont take away my love

I'm here without you baby
But you're still on my lonely mind
I think about you baby
And I dream about you all the time
I'm here without you baby
But you're still with me in my dreams
And tonight girl its only you and me


10. dec 2007
SEPTEMBER: Cry for you

I never had to say goodbye
You must have known I wouldn't stay
While you were talking about our life
You killed the beauty of today

Forever and ever
Life is now or never
Forever never comes around
(People love and let go)
Forever and ever
Life is now or never
Forever's gonna slow you down

You'll never gonna see me again
So now who's gonna cry for you
You'll never gonna see me again
No matter what you do

You never heard me break your heart
You didn't wake up when we died
Since I was lonely from the start
I think the end is mine to write

Forever and ever
Life is now or never
Forever never comes around
(People love and let go)
Forever and ever
Life is now or never
Forever's gonna slow you down

You'll never gonna see me again
So now who's gonna cry for you
You'll never gonna see me again
No matter what you do

Forever and ever
Life is now or never
Forever never comes around
(People love and let go)
Forever and ever
Life is now or never
Forever's gonna slow you down

You'll never gonna see me again
So now who's gonna cry for you
You'll never gonna see me again
No matter what you do

Forever and ever
Life is now or never
Forever never comes around



10. dec 2007
SUM 41: Pieces

I tried to be perfect,
But nothing was worth it,
I don’t believe it makes me real.
I thought it’d be easy,
But no one believes me,
I meant all the things I said.

If you believe it’s in my soul,
I’d say all the words that I know,
Just to see if it would show,
That I'm trying to let you know,
That I’m better off on my own.

This place is so empty,
My thoughts are so tempting,
I don’t know how it got so bad.
Sometimes it’s so crazy,
that nothing can save me,
But it’s the only thing that I have.

If you believe it's in my soul,
I’d say all the words that I know,
Just to see if it would show,
That I'm trying to let you know,
That I'm better off on my own.

I tried to be perfect,
It just wasn't worth it,
Nothing could ever be so wrong.
It’s hard to believe me,
It never gets easy,
I guess I knew that all along.

If you believe it’s in my soul,
I’d say all the words that I know,
Just to see if it would show,
That I'm trying to let you know,
That I’m better off on my own.


18. dec 2007
Ljubljana/Novo Mesto
Delerium - Innocente (Fallin in love) dj tiesto mix

Darling when did we fall? When was it over?
Darling when? When did we fall? When was it over?

Darling when? When did you cry? I couldn't hear you
I suppose it is the price of falling in love.
I suppose it is the price of falling in love.

Darling when did we fall? When was it over?
Darling when? When did we fall? When was it over?
I suppose it is the price of falling in love.
I fear that it's the price of falling in love.

I fear that it's the price of falling in love.
I fear that it's the price of falling in love.
I fear that it's the price of falling in love

In pa se original

You can't see my eyes
You can't see my eyes
They don't see yours
Hear me when I say
I don't mind at all

It's the rain that I hear coming
Not a stranger or a ghost
It's the quiet of a storm approaching
That I fear the most
It's the pain that I hear coming
The slightest crystal tear, drops to the ground
In silence, when my love is near.
Darling, when did you fall? When was it over?
Darling when? When did you fall? When was it over?

It's marching through my door now
The stony cold of lonesome
A bell tolls for my heart and then my lonesome song begins
It's marching through my door now
The stony cold of lonesome
A bell tolls for my heart and now my lonesome song begins

Darling, when did you cry? I couldn't hear you
Darling when? When did you cry? I couldn't hear you

I suppose it is the price of falling in love
I suppose it is the price of falling in love

It's the rain that I hear coming
Not a stranger, not a ghost
Of the quiet of a storm approaching
That i fear the most
It's the pain that i hear coming

The slightest crystal tear drops to the ground
In silence when my love is near
It's marching through my door now the stony cold of lonesome
A bell tolls for my heart and now my lonesome song will end

Darling when did we fall? When was it over?
Darling when? When did we fall? When was it over?

I suppose it is the price of falling in love.
I fear that it's the price of falling in love.

V glavnm moj alltime favorite komad

Edit: se en lep remix
Nazadnje urejeno:


alter gentleman
25. jul 2007

Preden zaspim, si zaželim,
Am G7
drobnih stvari, veliko tebe.
Vse drobne stvari vežejo me,
Am G7
na neznani dom, kjer bom s teboj.
Spominjam se, stekla si stran,
Am G7
brez slovesa, pa tako mlada še.

F G C Am
Sava šumi, v očeh se iskri,
odpustil sem ti,
C G7
zaradi drobnih stvari.
F G C Am
Potopi oči, v moje oči
in me zažgi kot nekoč.

Sava šumi,
vselej šumi,
ko si želim,
drobnih stvari,

Veliko tebe,
veliko tebe…

Bil je premlad,
da postal bi soldat,
a moral je.

In bil je sam,
ko je stopal na vlak,
brez upanja.

Dobil je pas,
puško in bajonet,
da klal bi svet.

Ne ve zakaj
ga ubijat uče,
prej ko ljubiti zna.

Živel bi rad,
a obležal je vznak
na vajah zmag.

In vzeli pas,
puško in bajonet
so brez besed.

Ker bo junak
zdaj ko s kosi granat
raztrgan je.

A bil bi mlad,
bil ljubezni poet,
to želel je.

Kje so sni,
kje so jasne noči,
kje so verzi sreče,
kam so šli?
Kam so šli?

Kje je fant,
ki g ubijat uče,
prej kko ljubit zna?
Ni ga več!
Ni ga več!

Zdaj ko v zemlji spi
postal je junak
in ne bo se več vrnil
ne bo ga nazaj.

Postal je junak,
ne bo ga nazaj.

In pa Pismo za Mary Brown -Majda Sepe.


10. dec 2007
Matchbox Twenty: How far we've come

I'm waking up at the start of the end of the world,
but its feeling just like every other morning before,
Now I wonder what my life is going to mean if it's gone,

The cars are moving like a half a mile an hour if that,
and started staring at the passengers who're waving goodbye
can you tell me what was ever really special about me all this time?

But I believe the world is burning to the ground
oh well I guess we're gonna find out
let's see how far we've come
let's see how far we've come
Well I, believe, it all, is coming to an end
oh well, I guess, we're gonna pretend,
let's see how far we've come
let's see how far we've come

I think it turned ten o'clock but I don't really know
then I can't remember caring for an hour or so
started crying and I couldn't stop myself
I started running but there's no where to run to
I sat down on the street, took a look at myself
said where you going man you know the world is headed for hell
say all goodbyes if you've got someone you can say goodbye to

I believe the world is burning to the ground
oh well I guess we're gonna find out
let's see how far we've come (right now)
let's see how far we've come

Well I, believe, it all, is coming to an end
oh well, I guess, we're gonna pretend,
let's see how far we've come
let's see how far we've come

Its gone gone baby its all gone
there is no one on the corner and there's no one at home
well it was cool cool, it was just all cool
now it's over for me and it's over for you
well its gone gone baby its all gone
there's no one on the corner and there's no one at home
well it was cool cool, it was just all cool
now it's over for me and it's over for you

I believe the world is burning to the ground
oh well I guess we're gonna find out
let's see how far we've come
let's see how far we've come
Well I, believe, it all, is coming to an end
oh well, i guess, we're gonna pretend,
let's see how far we've come, again
let's see how far we go
let's see how far we've come
let's see how far we go
let's see how far we've come
let's see how far we go
let's see how far we've come
let's see how far we go
let's see how far we've come


28. jan 2008
Uporabnik Tjasa pravi:

A hundred days have made me older
Since the last time that I saw your pretty face
A thousand lies have made me colder
And I don't think I can look at this the same
But all the miles that separate
Disappear now when I'm dreaming of your face

I'm here without you baby
But you're still on my lonely mind
I think about you baby
And I dream about you all the time
I'm here without you baby
But you're still with me in my dreams
And tonight it's only you and me

The miles just keep rollin'
As the people leave their way to say hello
I've heard this life is overrated
But I hope that it gets better as we go

I'm here without you baby
But you're still on my lonely mind
I think about you baby
And I dream about you all the time
I'm here without you baby
But you're still with me in my dreams
And tonight girl its only you and me

Everything I know, and anywhere I go
It gets hard but it wont take away my love
And when the last one falls
When it's all said and done
It gets hard but it wont take away my love

I'm here without you baby
But you're still on my lonely mind
I think about you baby
And I dream about you all the time
I'm here without you baby
But you're still with me in my dreams
And tonight girl its only you and me

aaaa....tega sem js hotla

drugač pa:
timbaland ft. onerepubilc - apologize
i'm holding on your rope
got me ten feet off the ground
and i'm hearing what you say
but i just can't make a sound
you tell me that you need me
then you go and cut me down
but wait...
you tell me that you're sorry
didn't think i'd turn around and say..

that it's too late to apologize, it's too late
i said it's too late to apologize, it's too late

i'd take another chance, take a fall, take a shot for you
and i need you like a heart needs a beat
(but that's nothing new)
yeah yeah

i loved you with a fire red, now it's turning blue
and you say
sorry like an angel, heavens not the thing for you,
but i'm afraid

it's too late to apologize, it's too late
i said it's too late to apologizes, it's too late
woahooo woah

it's too late to apologize, it's too late
i said it's too late to apologize, it's too late
i said it's too late to apologize, yeah yeah
i said it's too late to apologize, a yeah

i'm holding your rope
got me ten feet off the ground...


7. jan 2008

Is this the real life?
Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide
No escape from reality
Open your eyes
Look up to the skies and see
I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy
Because I'm easy come, easy go
A little high, little low
Anyway the wind blows, doesn't really matter to me, to me

Mama, just killed a man
Put a gun against his head
Pulled my trigger, now he's dead
Mama, life had just begun
But now I've gone and thrown it all away
Mama, ooo
Didn't mean to make you cry
If I'm not back again this time tomorrow
Carry on, carry on, as if nothing really matters

Too late, my time has come
Sends shivers down my spine
Body's aching all the time
Goodbye everybody - I've got to go
Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth
Mama, ooo - (anyway the wind blows)
I don't want to die
I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all

I see a little silhouetto of a man
Scaramouch, scaramouch will you do the fandango
Thunderbolt and lightning - very very frightening me
Gallileo, Gallileo,
Gallileo, Gallileo,
Gallileo Figaro - magnifico

But I'm just a poor boy and nobody loves me
He's just a poor boy from a poor family
Spare him his life from this monstrosity
Easy come easy go - will you let me go
Bismillah! No - we will not let you go - let him go
Bismillah! We will not let you go - let him go
Bismillah! We will not let you go - let me go
Will not let you go - let me go (never)
Never let you go - let me go
Never let me go - ooo
No, no, no, no, no, no, no -
Oh mama mia, mama mia, mama mia let me go
Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me
for me
for me

So you think you can stone me and spit in my eye
So you think you can love me and leave me to die
Oh baby - can't do this to me baby
Just gotta get out - just gotta get right outta here

Ooh yeah, ooh yeah
Nothing really matters
Anyone can see
Nothing really matters - nothing really matters to me

Anyway the wind blows...


Empty spaces - what are we living for
Abandoned places - I guess we know the score
On and on, does anybody know what we are looking for...
Another hero, another mindless crime
Behind the curtain, in the pantomime
Hold the line, does anybody want to take it anymore
The show must go on
The show must go on, yeah
Inside my heart is breaking
My make-up may be flaking
But my smile still stays on

Whatever happens, I'll leave it all to chance
Another heartache, another failed romance
On and on, does anybody know what we are living for ?
I guess I'm learning (I'm learning learning learning)
I must be warmer now
I'll soon be turning (turning turning turning)
Round the corner now
Outside the dawn is breaking
But inside in the dark I'm aching to be free
The show must go on
The show must go on, yeah yeah
Ooh, inside my heart is breaking
My make-up may be flaking
But my smile still stays on

Yeah yeah, whoa wo oh oh

My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies
Fairytales of yesterday will grow but never die
I can fly - my friends
The show must go on (go on, go on, go on) yeah yeah
The show must go on (go on, go on, go on)
I'll face it with a grin
I'm never giving in
On - with the show

Ooh, I'll top the bill, I'll overkill
I have to find the will to carry on
On with the show
On with the show
The show - the show must go on
Go on, go on, go on, go on, go on
Go on, go on, go on, go on, go on
Go on, go on, go on, go on, go on
Go on, go on, go on, go on, go on
Go on, go on
Nazadnje urejeno:


29. jan 2008
dežela leda, brrrrrrrrrrr
Sunrise Avenue Fairytale Gone Bad

We got to a point I can't stand
I've had it to the limit; I can't be your man
I ain't more than a minute away from walking

We can't cry the pain away
We can't find a need to stay
I slowly realized there's nothing on our side

Out of my life, Out of my mind
Out of the tears that we can?t deny
We need to swallow all our pride
And leave this mess behind
Out of my head, Out of my bed
Out of the dreams we had, they're bad
Tell them it's me who made you sad
Tell them the fairytale gone bad
[ Fairytale Gone Bad lyrics found on ]

Another night and I bleed
They all make mistakes and so did we
But we did something we can never turn back right

Find a new one to fool
Leave and don't look back. I won't follow
We have nothing left. It's the end of our time

We can't cry the pain away
We can't find a need to stay
There's no more rabbits in my hat to make things right

Out of my life, Out of my mind
Out of the tears we can?t deny
We need to swallow all our pride
And leave *THIS mess behind
Out of my head, Out of my bed
Out of the dreams we had, they're bad
Tell them it's me who made you sad
Tell them the fairytale gone bad