Še par magic words
Directions and travel
"Mute." or "Mute voice guidance."
"Unmute." or "Unmute voice guidance."
"Show traffic." or "Hide traffic."
"Show satellite." or "Hide satellite."
"Navigate home." or "Navigate to Starbucks."
"Show route overview." or "Show alternate routes."
"What road is this?"
"What’s my next turn?"
"What's my ETA?"
"How's traffic ahead?" or "How's traffic to home?"
"Avoid tolls." or "Enable tolls."
"Avoid highways." or "Enable highways."
"Avoid ferries." or "Enable ferries."
"Exit navigation."
More commands you can say
"Call Mom."
"Find gas stations." or "Find restaurants."
"Send a text to Larry." or "Send an SMS to Sergey, I'm feeling lucky."
"What's the weather like?" or "How's the weather in Seattle?"
"Play some jazz." or "Play happy birthday on Google Play Music."
"What's the closest hotel?"
"When's my next meeting?"