Sam sicer nimam tega monitorja a če samo za minutko pobrskaš po spletu se najde kar nekaj podatkov da je dotičen monitor namenjen predvsem za pisarniško delo, čeprav naj bi bil dokaj uporaben še pri drugih stvareh. Naj bi imel različne (baje7) mode-e, kjer si sam naštimaš barve itd. in potem za različne stvari, recimo igranje, filme, grafika, pisarniško delo, z gumbom menjaš mode.
Baje je monitor malo omejen glede barvnih lestvic
"The 2243BW is a bit limited with respect to the full colour gamut it can reproduce because the screen is based on TFT/TN LCD panel technology. In some situations very subtle gray tones are washed out, or appear yellowish.
Moire test patterns displayed very slowly on the Samsung 2243BW monitor. In fact, the 2243BW rendered them slow enough that you could see it going from left to right, or top to bottom. We have never encountered this type of result before, so we're not sure what to make it"
drug vir
"color becomes progressively more saturated as your eye drops below the horizontal plane that's perpendicular to the display. This effect is SO PRONOUNCED in 22" monitors that there is a very noticable difference in color saturation between the top and the bottom of the screen. If your eye is in the middle, you're looking up perhaps 5-10° to see the top and down 5-10° at the bottom. The same blue in the title bar of a window and the Task Bar will appear sky blue at the bottom of the screen and royal blue at the top. This is the effect you noticed in your "orange-screen" test. Go back and use any solid color, and the difference in its saturation between the top and the bottom of the screen, regardless of viewing angle, will knock your socks off unless you're farther away that normal. These 22" monitors, none of which use true 8-bit color by the way, are therefore UNacceptable for color-critical tasks like Photoshop. They work very well, though, for gaming and office tasks."
lahko bi sicer bil problem z kablom, ali pa problem sploh ni v ekranu temveč v grafični.
Samo po testih sodeč in mnenjih uporabnikov ekrana, je primeren za igre in pisarniška dela, za grafiko pa niti približno, ker se dogajajo točno te razlike v barvah kot opisuješ, nažalost :|