If your Zumo is "dead" most of the time it can be revived by simply taking the battery out for a couple of minutes, and then re-insert the battery.
Lahko pa je kaj na kontaktih, sem že videl neke slike, da se je naredil kondenz na Zumotu, je bil "preveč" zadihtan.
•Soft reset: If your unit "freezes" you can restart it by turning it on while pressing the [ + ] button (top left hard button. This wil force it to restart. No data is lost
•Take the battery out: For some issues it is necessary to take out the battery for at least 10 minutes. This is often the cure for the "dead Zumo syndrome"
◦To perform the reset:■Turn off the unit
■Keep your finger firmly pressed on the bottom right corner of the touch screen
■While keeping it pressed, turn the unit back on
■After a little while (30 sec?) you get a question on the screen "do you want to erase all user data" > Select "Yes"
■All data like routes and waypoints, plus your personal settings are now reset.
■After startup you can re-import all routes and favourites again, and/or place the archive files back
Tako da težko reči kaj je.