Uporabnik Matej pravi:
Probaj najprej tega:
try to cut the installer and paste it to other folder and run it again!i had the same problem when i execute the file in the folder of the received files from mozilla
If the software was obtained from the Internet
1. Clear your browser's cache.
2. Disable any download accelerators or managers and download the installer again.
3. Rename the installer so it is a simple one-word name with no special characters (without removing the .exe suffix)
* Example: install.exe
4. Download the installer from another source approved by the software developer or publisher.
* It might be corrupted on the server, or the connection to the server is unreliable from your location.
5. Update your anti-virus software (if installed) and download the installer again.
6. Disable your anti-virus software and download the installer again.
7. Download the installer using another computer and copy it to the original computer.
8. If you have the nVidia firewall installed, uninstall the program and download the installer again.
9. Scan for, and remove malware and viruses on your system.
10. Scan the hard drive using scandisk, chkdsk, or any other hard drive repair tool.
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