Uporabnik DrM007 pravi:
Bolj mi je pomembno razmerje cena/kakovost/zmogljivost.
V tem stavku si si odgovoril kaj bos potem kupil
Tudi sam sam misljenja da bi bila 2900Pro dobra izbira, ampak jih je zelo malo. To je isto sranje ko 2900XT samo z nekaj defektnimi cipi. Jo samo navijes in ce si lucky basterd
imas vec kot v originalu 2900XT. Verjetno se spomnimo serije 9800SE, kjer so bili cevovodi defektni in so jih zaklenili. Kolega je bil lucky basterd, jih odklenil in dobil 9800Pro za smesno ceno. Edini sranje, da je imel en artefakt po sredini monitorja. Sedaj se nagibas k 2900XT. Hmmm....zakaj? Imas na voljo 8800GT, ki je cenejsa in hitrejsa. Ce se ti ne mudi, bi sedaj bilo res pametno pocakat. 8800GTX pa vsekakor ne, ker je resnicno predraga.
Stacune kjer naj bi se v bodoce dobile GT-jke.
AGT racunalniki
Se mnenje iz ameriske spletne strani enega uporabnika.
Just picked one up at the local PC club for the same price! This card is amazing. It overclocked easily to 742 core, 1834 Shader, and 2160 on the memory! Needless to say, I am pretty sure this card is just like a GTX when overclocked. I had the superclocked 8800GTS 320MB before. The Crysis SP demo feels so much smoother with this card. I am running it on nearly all high settings. The card idles at about 56 degrees for me and goes to about 68 under load. Might just be my case though. Overall, for, more or less, 280 bucks, you really can't go wrong with this card! It was a very good replacement for my 8800GTS 320. Oh and another thing, the mounting screws for this card are identical to the 7900's. This means you can put on you old favorite air coolers! I am very happy with this card and if you get it, I think you will feel the same.
Tudi mene so mal zasrbel prsti ampak se bom vzdrzal. Tezka bo za teh 280$
Bo treba malo pocakat, kaj bo ponudila nova 8800GTS.
Cene se ne gibljeno ravno od 200-250$, ampak od 260 do 310$ za superclocked od EVGA. Core 700Mhz, memory 2000