Ostrostrelec v ameriški vojski Chris Kyle je med vojaško kariero ustrelil 255 ljudi in o tem napisal knjigo
For his valor, he received three Silver Stars and five Bronze Stars with Valor
Grateful nation: Kyle receiving an award from the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs:
The Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, non-partisan and non-sectarian educational organization committed to explaining the need for a prudent national security policy for the United States, addressing the security requirements of both the United States and the State of Israel, and strengthening the strategic cooperation relationship between these two great democracies .
Po drugi strani pa Juba izpade nekakšen kriminalec:
Mooče so mu pa fauš, ker ima veæji izplen...
For his valor, he received three Silver Stars and five Bronze Stars with Valor
Grateful nation: Kyle receiving an award from the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs:
The Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, non-partisan and non-sectarian educational organization committed to explaining the need for a prudent national security policy for the United States, addressing the security requirements of both the United States and the State of Israel, and strengthening the strategic cooperation relationship between these two great democracies .
Po drugi strani pa Juba izpade nekakšen kriminalec:
Mooče so mu pa fauš, ker ima veæji izplen...